Phonological,Morphological,Syntactic,Semantic, & Pragmatic Development (Essay Sample)
It will be 4 pages paper for that 5 categories.
So you can write less than a page for each of them and you can make up 4 pages with that 5 categories
You have to cite at least 2 from the book. I listed the chapter in instruction.
It has to be a narrative perspective and that is the conversation between me and my el student. So please let me know if you have any question.
And APA citation please and don't worry about the reference page.
Linguistic Analysis
Student’s Name:
University Affiliation:
Linguistic Analysis
Phonological Development
The learners’ ability to decode a message from the speaker is inferior. In the language sample, the interviewer asks the interviewee whether the Americans look comfy when they wear “hoodies.” Instead of saying “yes” he or she answers absentmindedly, “The skin is out of the clothes.” This statement shows that the speaker’s perception of the message is wrong. He or she does not care whether the response makes sense or not. For effective communication, the speaker must conceive an idea in his mind, then change the idea (encode) into language and speak it out (acoustic signals).
On the contrary, the listener must receive the acoustic signals, decode them to language and then have an idea of what the message implies. Also, the students have a problem with speech production. They face challenges articulating words and forming a continuous speech. For instance, the respondent in the language says, “... I I like a I like Yukata not only wearing it but also seeing that many people wear wear it” The speaker repeats words “I” and “wear” because he or she cannot form the next word easily. Notably, words in a speech must connect to one another. Words in spoken sentence do not stand alone as separate words but join, through assimilation of sound, to form a stream. It means his or her flow of thoughts and that of speech do not match.
Morphological Development
The learners do not maintain a continuous speech stream. Usually, words join each other to form a constant flow (Freeman & Freeman, 2004). However, the learners, as depicted in the language sample, respond in a somewhat broken speech. They use a lot of discourse markers making the words appear separate. For example, the speaker describing Japan says, “Uh, Uh, Uh, reflecting reflecting on the lake so it is so beautiful and I like uh, I also like...” Also, learners face a problem when using content and functional words. When a student says, “Uh, basically I like, like I love every food but, hmm yeah,” the statement is grammatically wrong due to the use of two verbs (i.e., I like, like I love) in the same verb phrase. It translates that the students do not discover the meaning differences in content words that have similar uses (Freeman & Freeman, 2004). Content words include nouns and their modifiers (adjectives) and verbs and their modifiers (adverbs). The learner who is talking about Japan makes a morphological mistake in the use of articles “the” and “a” and verbs “go” and “wears” in the clause, “... I go the festival I can wear a cloth Yukata” the correct statement should be: When I go to the festival, I wear Yukuta. Or one may say he dresses in Yukuta. For that reason, the learners should learn the article, prepositions, pronouns, and conjunctions. They should also study the use of inflectional forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Syntactic Development
According to Freeman & Freeman 2004, the students encounter problems applying syntactical rules in speech. The learners do not use the correct word order while they speak. Usually, the basic structure of a sentence has the formulae: subject- verb – object. Some rules govern the use of nouns and pronouns as subjects and objects (Freeman & Freeman, 2004). For instance, pronoun “I” takes the position of subject whereas “me” function as an object. The learners should familiarize with the knowledge noun phrase and the subjective and objective pronoun cases. For instance, when the learner says, “So in the festival, uh, uh, the fireworks, uh, uh the firework launches on the lake” the sentence does not communicate any message. The words and the word order are wrong. Apart from the word order, the learners should ensure the subjects and the verbs they use agree (Freeman & Freeman, 2004). If the subject is in the plural form the verb must be in plural. For instance, it is wrong to remark, “many people especially women cares about the body” the singular verb (cares) does not agree with the plural subject (many people). Lastly, ideas within sentences join together through the use of conjunctions. However, only one conjunction can join two ideas but some students use two in the same place in a sentence. For example, the student describing life Japan makes syntactical mistake when he says, “If I invite, I I recommend someone to visit because so, umm, In my hometown ...” The conjunctions because and so cannot work together. Besides, transitional words are essential in the joining of ideas between statements.
Semantic Development
The learners have semantic deficits because they do not have a flow of ideas in their speech (Freeman & Freeman, 2004). They do not connect one idea to the next to enhance meaning. For instance, the learner explaining about life in Japan does not give detailed information about the four seasons that are characteristic of the country. He or she chooses words for the sake of saying them and but not communication. Therefore, the learners have limited vocabulary to advance their ideas. Also, the learners do not differentiate between words that are synonymous or are in the same category. For example, the learner says, “Basically I
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