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Position Paper for Criminal Issues Research Assignment (Essay Sample)
argumentative paper on criminal issues
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Position Paper for Criminal Issues
Over the recent past, there has been a significant increase in the number of criminal cases all over the world. Definitely, this has been as a result of various reasons ranging from terrorism by militia groups to murder. Due to this, people have been being posed with a tricky and rather a confounding situation as to how they can always be assured of their personal security wherever they are at any time of the day. It is for this reason why people made a proposal that people be licensed to have a concealed weapon within their reach such that at any time they are in a danger they can easily access it and defend their lives. Again, since not everybody can have a sensitive weapon, however, concealed it is, there had to be a restriction that only those without any proven criminal record can be licensed to have this concealed weapon. So, the question has been; should this be allowed or not? Does it have any serious implications on your personal security as well the entire lot of citizens around you? It is due to this that I declare my stand that those citizen without a criminal record should be licensed to own a concealed weapon for their own personal security.
First and foremost, if anyone is of sober mind and has experienced the essential instructional classes and screenings and took a break, they ought to be permitted to own and travel anywhere with a covered or a weapon which is concealed. This is because every citizen has a right to his/ her personal security and it is for this reason that Individuals have to have the privilege to secure themselves. Additionally, every person, especially of a sober mind, plays a very big role in their families in one way or the other so they will always need them. It is for this reason why any person of sober mind and has no proven criminal record ought to be permitted to convey a firearm at any time in almost every place. This is in the event that these people have passed the important screenings in the first run through and proven to be fit to carry a weapon that is concealed.
Secondly, consider guns like atomic weapons and lobsters. It is true that out of the most grounds that each nation has one doesn't necessarily imply that a war will happen or even they are planning one. As a sovereign state just like our friends and neighbours are, we have the opportunity granted from within to possess atomic weapons. This automatically brings out the fact that no one will disturb us or will even dare to. On the other hand, our very own neighbors have them mostly for a similar reason or even slightly different. In the event that that similarity didn't help you at that point consider and figure out it to be like this; Just in light of the fact that I have a weapon which is hidden doesn't mean I am after causing any chaos or even searching for any inconvenience at all. Much the same as on the grounds that you have installed a good and long lasting fire extinguisher or quencher doesn't mean you are searching for or being optimistic to see fire or planning to cause it. You are simply endeavoring to secure yourself. In spite of the fact that I do concur that individuals with a noteworthy criminal offence ought not legitimately have the capacity to convey any form of a weapon like a gun whether concealed or not.
In addition, anybody after hearing that every person of sober mind can access and legally own a concealed firearm will always think that it is funny or even weird. The fact is that every person will have an access to it. This means we will overcome petty cases because individuals will be very keen not to set up fights which could cause injuries to either of them. Furthermore, it will make the citizens without a criminal record equal regardless of their gender, height, body size or even worse enough the race. This is because some groups tend to undermine the other simply because of their body size. This means they will have equal grounds and neither the big bodied people will undermine their small-bodied counterparts because however much we may run away from the fact that the bigger men...
Professor's Name
Course Name
Position Paper for Criminal Issues
Over the recent past, there has been a significant increase in the number of criminal cases all over the world. Definitely, this has been as a result of various reasons ranging from terrorism by militia groups to murder. Due to this, people have been being posed with a tricky and rather a confounding situation as to how they can always be assured of their personal security wherever they are at any time of the day. It is for this reason why people made a proposal that people be licensed to have a concealed weapon within their reach such that at any time they are in a danger they can easily access it and defend their lives. Again, since not everybody can have a sensitive weapon, however, concealed it is, there had to be a restriction that only those without any proven criminal record can be licensed to have this concealed weapon. So, the question has been; should this be allowed or not? Does it have any serious implications on your personal security as well the entire lot of citizens around you? It is due to this that I declare my stand that those citizen without a criminal record should be licensed to own a concealed weapon for their own personal security.
First and foremost, if anyone is of sober mind and has experienced the essential instructional classes and screenings and took a break, they ought to be permitted to own and travel anywhere with a covered or a weapon which is concealed. This is because every citizen has a right to his/ her personal security and it is for this reason that Individuals have to have the privilege to secure themselves. Additionally, every person, especially of a sober mind, plays a very big role in their families in one way or the other so they will always need them. It is for this reason why any person of sober mind and has no proven criminal record ought to be permitted to convey a firearm at any time in almost every place. This is in the event that these people have passed the important screenings in the first run through and proven to be fit to carry a weapon that is concealed.
Secondly, consider guns like atomic weapons and lobsters. It is true that out of the most grounds that each nation has one doesn't necessarily imply that a war will happen or even they are planning one. As a sovereign state just like our friends and neighbours are, we have the opportunity granted from within to possess atomic weapons. This automatically brings out the fact that no one will disturb us or will even dare to. On the other hand, our very own neighbors have them mostly for a similar reason or even slightly different. In the event that that similarity didn't help you at that point consider and figure out it to be like this; Just in light of the fact that I have a weapon which is hidden doesn't mean I am after causing any chaos or even searching for any inconvenience at all. Much the same as on the grounds that you have installed a good and long lasting fire extinguisher or quencher doesn't mean you are searching for or being optimistic to see fire or planning to cause it. You are simply endeavoring to secure yourself. In spite of the fact that I do concur that individuals with a noteworthy criminal offence ought not legitimately have the capacity to convey any form of a weapon like a gun whether concealed or not.
In addition, anybody after hearing that every person of sober mind can access and legally own a concealed firearm will always think that it is funny or even weird. The fact is that every person will have an access to it. This means we will overcome petty cases because individuals will be very keen not to set up fights which could cause injuries to either of them. Furthermore, it will make the citizens without a criminal record equal regardless of their gender, height, body size or even worse enough the race. This is because some groups tend to undermine the other simply because of their body size. This means they will have equal grounds and neither the big bodied people will undermine their small-bodied counterparts because however much we may run away from the fact that the bigger men...
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