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Powerful Advice for Students: Ten Steps to Brilliant Academic Writing (Essay Sample)


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Powerful Advice for Students: 10 Steps to Brilliant Academic Writing
Ask any student what is the most sought-after skill that anyone wishes to have, it is an ability to write well academic essays. Whether it is business industry or undergraduate studies, ironically, not so many people can prove to have high level of English writing skills. While many academic institutions will hardly admit they lack proper resources to teach essay writing skills effectively, many academic instructors simply don't have time to fully dedicate themselves to this difficult task. It is important to find the time, passion and devotion to do develop writing skills and we are here to help with the most handful tips that will help you to do that in a short period of time. You will learn general principles of academic writing that will follow with substantial improvement of your academic grades, an indicator of your growth and progress. You will have an ability to explain hard-to-understand topics through good writing, a habit that is there never to be lost.
1 Schedule Your Writing.
Starting writing a paper one night before the deadline is the most crucial mistake all students make. Although some students strongly believe in their "superpowers" to deliver outstanding papers under pressure, this theory has failed a thousand times. As we know, college or university assignment are given out in the beginning of semester, meaning you shouldf start planning you papers in advance. Aside from substantially lowering the stress of handing in the paper the last minute, dedicate at least 2 weeks to research, 2 weeks to drafting and writing, then leave the work to "sit" untouchable for 2 weeks before final proofreading.
It is important to do a 500-word writing every single day. Your "little effort" will take you a long way. Tip: stop so you can remember where to pick up the next day.
2 Plan and Write.
Many students confess that planning and then writing a paper strikes them as lightning. Putting aside all theories about being a modernist artist or forward thinking indigo child, every even the most talented writers plan ahead. An essay outline is a mindmap. It must contain a theses statement, i.e. statement of purpose of writing, list of supporting facts or points. A mindmap should be sprinkled with a mental image of a finished paper.
3 Start Writing in the Middle.
Writer's block – a common misconception and fake reasoning not to start writing your academic assignment. So if one finds himself stuck and not knowing where or how to start, try writing from the middle of your paper. Blank screen staring can be overruled if you would allow yourself to jump to writing any of the essay body paragraphs by skipping the introduction.
4 Allow Yourself Crappy Drafts First.
Majority of students have a desire to write a perfect paper from scratch, but it never works out unless you have at least ten years of writing experience. That's why it is crucial to put aside your fantasies and allow yourself to write "a crappy first draft”. Writing experts say that usually the first paragraphs turn out to be weak. Yet, crappy drafts allow you to skip grammar and format rules, securing the knowledge at the back of your mind that all mistakes can be fixed later!
5 Forget Plagiarizing.
The truth is plagiarizing is heavily punished, so it is not worth spending your time searching the web for yet another essay example. On the other hand, gathering ideas from other writing samples can be beneficial, but you are the one to shape the ideas and delivering a full paper written from scratch academic assignment.
6 Follow Your Assignment's Directions.
Every assignment has a set of strict guidelines for you to follow. It means that you should format your paper co

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