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Project Planning: Channel Tunnel (Essay Sample)


This paper required writing essay on project planning for channel tunnel project


Executive Summary
The creation of a tunnel is focused on generating a connection between two cities or countries. It demands for two parties that want to create link between them to cooperate and pull in stakeholders into the project such as contractors, banks, organizations and regulatory bodies for it to be successful. The construction of the tunnel will demand for application of new technology and necessary modifications must be conducted throughout the project to ensure that desired goals are achieved effectively.
Tunnel construction is a large project and requires that extensive effort should be applied in its management to ensure that deadlines are met and key milestones are achieved as desired. Even though most projects are completed late and the initial cost estimate is exceeded, the planning for this project is divided into four major majors(Geizen 2012). The phases of the tunnel project includes: inception phase, development phase, implementation phase and maintenance after successful close out.
Each phase of the project is customized with required activities, achievements, milestones and challenges related to initiating, scheduling for activities, executing procedures, Monitoring and managing processes and adaptation to the new system.
This plan support project management evaluation at the end of each phase to ensure desired milestones are achieved. Assessment must be conducted through numerical evaluation to identify strengths of the plan, opportunities within the project that demands for improvement and experiences gained for the project. Before initiating the plan overall objectives are clearly defined, feasibility evaluations are conducted, financial aspects and conceptual design of the tunnel is developed(Hans,Herroelen,Leus & Wullink 2007).
Considering implementation phase, the engagements here concerned with project design, construction of the tunnel, installation of the system components such as traffic system, testing of the new system and commissioning takes place. In the project close out, engagements are focused on the system performance, financial positions, settling of outstanding dues and conduction of post-tunnel project evaluations.
During the inception phase of this project, the main goal of this project plan is to facilitate construction of a transport link between two cities or countries. As a result economy is expected to rise, there should be improved trade and a high speed transport system which is able to compete with airplanes and ferries should exist(Chang 2013). Both parties must reach concrete conclusions regarding channel tunnel security and environmental risks are evaluated before opening the project for stakeholders bidding.
The project management team develops high level design together with projected estimates of the total cost of the project. The bidding price for this tunnel channel should be approximately $10 billion dollars. Enough time is scheduled to provide detailed design which includes tunnel air conditioning system estimated at 250 million dollars. The inter parties commission is formed to approve the channel tunnel design drafts.
At the inception phase, evaluation of available financial sources is important to determine estimate amount expected from stakeholders. Private investors, government and non-governmental loans are some of fund sources to help achieve this project deliverables successfully(Flyybjerg 2007).
It is important to correlate expected deliverables and cost estimate. The deliverables for this project includes; a functional traffic control and management system, increase in economic factors and European union factor, the security system should be up to date incorporating elements like anti terrorism mechanisms(Geizen 2012). The project should also have a website that supports languages for both parties; backup systems must be fully functional.
If this project is not adequately planned for in terms of resources, estimation of cost and budgeting, this large project may not be successful. Provision for changes in items price, cost of labour and other related resources should be considered since fluctuation in cost will occur during project execution time. Sufficient planning of all activities will lead to timely project completion, hiring of right experts and contractors to ensure the proposal for the project is materially accurate.
Schedule planning entails each activity’s definition, sequence of operations and time estimated for completion which is relative to overall project schedule. The scheduling of activity is designed into phases, i.e. excavation phase by machines. A lot of logistic planning is applied when constructing the work breakdown structure(Hans et. al 2007).
During the initial phase the first contract will target cost of excavation, terminals construction with accompanying physical and electrical resources for the tunnel and acquisition of necessary equipments for execution of the project. In any project contracts are important aspect of purchase management procedure. Contracts assist in defining the scope of effort, cost of completion, time frame and rules of engagement. At times contracts can be very complex and with a lot of errors, therefore it is important consider expected or unexpected risks associated with the project and create allowances for cost fluctuation.
All risks must be considered and appropriate mitigation strategies be put in place prior to their occurrences. When a risk comes up, it is identified and given priority of resolution considering the best mitigation strategy in place(Chang 2013). This is to ensure the desired the required quality is achieved which is approved by both parties and stakeholders in general.
The project required specifications is clearly stated with parameters relating to the railway size, electric voltages and system used for signalling and controlling operations. All problems of incompatibility should be handled at inception phase to support smooth execution of preceding phases of the project. Technology is used to accomplish tasks such as digging of the tunnel for the channel but mostly for testing purposes of the new system.
Each project team member is responsible for ensuring required quality is obtained. There should be quality management through planning, assurance and control to ensure desired results are achieved(Flyybjerg 2007). This project requires maximum co-operation for all project team members disregarding the level of expertise. Obligations and duties delegated to each member are defined upfront in the work breakdown structure.
Effective communications and related strategies are important in smooth implementation of this tunnel channel project. The plan for communication in this project address both the vertical and horizontal needs, it entails how information is distributed, tracking of performance and presentation of results.
During development phase extensive planning, communication strategies and approval of existing structure is performed. The two parties must agree on communication mediums to be used, languages preferred and other finer details to ensure the project is successfully developed. The project team should ensure that the project goals are obtained with specified budget to eliminate extra costing(William 2012). All the contracts must be realistic in terms of monetary projections and logical strategies that support achievement of desired outcomes. Team work in phases for developing the tunnel should have effective terms that impose strength in the project execution. Improvising must be appropriate.
During the implementation stage, the contractors that have been selected according to request for proposal are awarded tenders to complete delegated tasks. Any prevailing conflict is handled according to mechanisms defined in the project proposal. The high risk opportunities and identified and mitigation strategies are called upon whenever an alarm is raised concerning the subject.
The communication plan requires constant update of the stakeholders on daily and weekly basis. The contract heads provides progress reports to their immediate bosses on daily basis and to the board of directors in weekly basis(Hans et. al 2007). The weekly review reports are presented in board meeting while daily progress reports are submitted to head’s office and the end of each working day.
Cost & Financial Factors
The initial cost of the project is generated according to market standards and any future change is accounted for in the budget. Some part of the investment funds is reserved to hand increases in cost of materials or labour that may occur when executing the project. The cost is controlled by the project manager and accountants that assist in developing the financial structure of the project(Chang 2013). After the budget has been developed fully, the proposal is tabled before the investors and stakeholder committee for approval before the project manager takes any planned action in attempt to complete the project
The deliverables of this project includes: successful plan framework, effective traffic control and signalling system, high technology train tunnel and terminals, dual language website that is understood by both parties, functional air-condition and ventilation system and central control system. At the end of this project this deliverables must be fully functional and tested to meet the required standards(Flyybjerg 2007).
The funding for this project is ...

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