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Questions about Poetry (Essay Sample)




6.13 Poetry
Question 1
Personification in the poem is when the poet inanimate objects by giving them life or makes these nonhuman objects to have human-like personalities. Personification is extensively used in poems. For instance, Rupert Brookes poem “The Soldier” shows how extensively personification is used. The Soldier is a pro war poem that is full of jingoism and patriotic views where the poet criticizes other countries.
Personification is indicated where the poet personifies England.For example in the first stanza, he says “England bore, shaped and made aware”. England is personified as a mother.
In the second stanza, England is personified with an act of giving. This is illustrated by the line “thoughts by England given. This explains that he had good times and memories in England which he thinks because of her goodness should be paid back.
Brooke uses a lot of personification to show how they are in debt of their country for the gifts she has showered to them CITATION Rup15 \l 2057 (Rupert Brooke). He also utilizes personification to demonstrate a close bond that most of the soldiers have with England as their country.
Question 2
In the poem, I wandered lonely as a cloud by William Wordsworth the speaker shows how the natural world affects the memory of people. The speaker’s discovery of daffodils field by a lake gives him a memory that pleases him when he is restless, bored or lonely CITATION Wil02 \l 2057 (Wordsworth). The waves and the happy daffodils make the poet emulate them. Everything in nature affects and makes him happy. This however doesn’t mean that nature should always leave a happy feeling as can also leave a sad one.
Romanticism in the past describes a movement that stressed feelings like imagination and inspiration. The natural world function fits with the Romantic view of nature in that nature is used to show how life experiences could be related to nature. Wordsworth uses Daffodils as a metaphor. It is, however, Romanticised, but mind dwells mostly in the past in old age which at the end of the poem the poet does it although a nature poem on the surface is in reality about growing old and having youth’s memories.
Butterflies in this poem have also been used as a metaphor and also embodies Romanticism imagination spectrum. After the death of their mother, the poet and his sister split apart. He emphasizes how he never wants the butterfly to leave in the first stanza as the reality sets back once it does. The poem is about the past.
In the Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem, “Lines to a Beautiful Spring in a Village”, nature has also been shown to affect people’s memories in a different way CITATION Sam94 \l 2057 (Coleridge). The speaker in this poem remembers his childhood with nostalgia. The speaker compares his joyful childhood with his adulthood where he says his adulthood resembles a stream that is choked by rude brakes and thrones. The stream reminds the speaker of his both joyful and painful past. This shows how his life had changed to a bad from the joyful one he had when he was a child.
The stream in this poem is a poetic inspiration symbol and thus is Romanticised. It serves as a flowing stream of consciousness that feeds the speakers psyche with emotions and images which spring in his poetry. For instance, he describes the water in the stream as both milky and clear. This is purely symbolic.
The Pierian flowers are also symbolic. This serves a Macedonian Pierian

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