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Reflection journal on diabetes (Essay Sample)

THE TASK WAS A REFLECTION ESSAY 2 PAGES. THEREFORE, I WAS REQUIRED TO WRITE TWO PAGES CLEARLY FORMATTED IN APA. A MINIMUM OF THREE REFERENCES WERE REQUIRED. THE TOPIC WAS DIABETES. THE WRITER DISCUSSED CAUSES, RISK FACTORS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR DIABETES AS A LIFESTYLE DISEASE. sample Reflection Journal on Diabetes Today, most homes are being affected by diabetes, and the prevalence of this chronic noncommunicable disease is becoming a significant concern. In my recent clinical rotations at Thika level five hospitals, I have encountered the predicaments of diabetic patients. Some patients have had type one diabetes while others have type two. I have also witnessed the mother's experience with gestational diabetes at the maternity clinic. According to Suryasa et al. (2021), some of the significant cases of diabetes include poor diet, excessive use of tobacco, a sedentary lifestyle, and lack of physical exercise. As a medical practitioner, however, I have always asked myself how people can modify their lifestyles and comprehend the nature of diabetes as a life-threatening condition when left untreated. source..
Reflection Journal on Diabetes Name Institutional affiliation Due date Reflection Journal on Diabetes Today, most homes are being affected by diabetes, and the prevalence of this chronic noncommunicable disease is becoming a significant concern. In my recent clinical rotations at Thika level five hospitals, I have encountered the predicaments of diabetic patients. Some patients have had type one diabetes while others have type two. I have also witnessed the mother's experience with gestational diabetes at the maternity clinic. According to Suryasa et al. (2021), some of the significant cases of diabetes include poor diet, excessive use of tobacco, a sedentary lifestyle, and lack of physical exercise. As a medical practitioner, however, I have always asked myself how people can modify their lifestyles and comprehend the nature of diabetes as a life-threatening condition when left untreated. What I have learned is that being diabetic automatically changes the life of a patient since they have to adjust their dietary habits and take the proper medication. According to Pollack et al. (2016), medical nutrition therapy is paramount to diabetic patients since it aids them in planning their meal choices and plans based on their unique needs. Access to information is, therefore critical in the management of diabetes. In some instances, the patients lack awareness ofof what is expected of them. Such gaps may exacerbate the severity of the condition, leading to an increase in the mortality of diabetics. My understanding of diabetes is that this is a condition that affects an individual‘s ability to utilize the energy retrieved from food. According to Padhi et al. (2020), the two common types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes encompasses the production of little or no insulin by the pancreas. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in adolescence, and some of the symptoms include thirst, hunger, frequent urination, and blurred vision. Diabetes type 1 requires the injection of insulin into the patient's system to control hyperglycemia levels. The treatment helps reverse symptoms such as polydipsia, polyphagia, and polyuria. Type 2 diabetes was the most typical type of diabetes among the cases that I handled. This condition is triggered by genetics, obesity, aging, and autoimmune viruses. For treatment, most patients rely on oral glucose-lowering agents (Trevor et al., 2010). To manage type 2 diabetes, the patient must eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and monitor their blood sugar. Throughout my practicum at Thika Level Five, I observed that poverty is a primary extraneous variable that hinders the proper management of diabetes. What I could not understand is why the government has not introduced programs for diabetic patients where they can have free access to drugs and medication. Such a program would be instrumental in promoting the health outcomes of diabetics. I would select the best intervention for diabetic patients based on their needs. For instance, a diabetic child will need not onlyneed the drugs and psychological counseling to manage the condition. Further, I would also direct patients to public hospitals where the drugs are affordable if they face financial constraints. Therefore, intervention approaches would be based on multiple parameters. While there are new drugs and therapeutic interventions for diabetes, they are yet to meet glycemic thresholds. Ongoing efforts are to develop f...
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