Desribe The Relations Between Language And Community APPL912 (Essay Sample)
AIMS: This assignment gives you an opportunity to: • synthesize the key ideas you have taken from the literature up to Week 8 in APPL912 • articulate your understanding of the relations between community, the individual, and language. TASK: Consider the perspectives on community and language we have explored up to Week 8 in APPL912. Explain your own understanding of the relations between language and community. How are individual identities and community roles ‘played out' in language? You should refer to the set readings for APPL912 (other relevant sources may also be cited) throughout to support your discussion. Note: this assignment is not about language learning. At some point, it may (or may not) be important for you to discuss language learning, but your assignment should not focus on language learning, as this is the focus of Assignment 3. WORD LIMIT: 2,000 words (not including the reference list) (Note: A useful rule of thumb with word limits for assignments is ‘the 10% rule'. If you are 10% over or under the word limit, you are usually OK. Anything beyond that and your assignment is either too long or too short and will not meet the relevant grading criteria.) GRADING CRITERIA: In this assignment, you should: • directly and completely address the assignment task • demonstrate: o a clear understanding of the relevant set readings in Section I: Community and Section II: Language of APPL912 o an ability to articulate a clear and coherent understanding of the relations between community, the individual, and language based on the literature o an understanding of key terms and concepts • write clearly and concisely in academic style • observe the word limit • provide a reference list citing all and only those references cited in the body of your assignment • use APA referencing style accurately and consistently.
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The Relations between Language and Community
Language is seen as one of the most influential symbols of social behavior. Language is basically used in passing of important information in our society. It is a tool that send and receive basic collective messages about our biography, our location and the group of people we associate ourselves with. The community always judges our characters, personality, intentions and our background based on our language, talk and in most cases based on our choice of words (Buzzelli, & Johnston, 2014).
Holmes, & Wilson, 2017), defines language as a system of verbal signs meant for communication. Language is seen as a system due to its basic components relate to each other in not only a sophisticated way but also an organized manner. Language is primarily utilized in the passing of important information to other people. Schiffman, (2012), further illustrates how language is not only meant for communication as it can be used for internal monologue, dreaming, poetry and soliloquy.
Considering the communal role of language, it clearly suggests that the basic component of language coverage should focus on its role as a uniting tool in the society. There is no doubt; Sociolinguistics has grown to become an essential and famous arena of education. We have witnessed how specific cultures in the whole world have extended not only their communication base but also their intergroup and interpersonal relationship thanks to the growing significance of language in the society (Selmier II, Newenham-Kahindi, & Oh, 2015).
The elementary idea behind sociolinguistics is reasonably straightforward. It generally assumes that language utilizes important scopes of human relations and collective social behavior. The concept is easy, but the manner in which linguistic replicates behavior can over and over again be compound and elusive. Additionally, the connection existing in reference to Language and community has numerous encounters. Language relates to the society on a broad category and can range from international-based relations to the simple interpersonal relationships (Taylor, 2011).
For instance, sociolinguists may explore language states of mind amid huge populations on a state level, like those practiced in the United States for the English-only amendment - the imposing proposition to make English the basic language spoken in the whole United States. So also, we may examine the position of English and French language in Some parts of North America as well as the eminence of other state and vernacular languages in other third world countries as metaphors of basic components of communal relationship among cultures and races. When seeing language as a communal foundation, sociolinguists frequently use systems containing material from surveys and other summarized statistical information, together with details from coordinate perception (Ochs, & Schieffelin, 2017).
A unique concern with society and language focuses more closely on the influence of precise sorts of common states on language structure. For examples, language behavior studies mainly emphasis on the starting point accompanied with phonetic piece of dialect and creole languages. These unique language mixtures come by when narrators from commonly incomprehensible language sets require a mutual language for communication. All over the globe, various sociohistorical conditions have led to emergence of such specific language situations more prominently in most parts of Africa, South America, the Caribbean islands, some parts of Asia, and the Pacific Islands. On taking a closer look at the language contact circumstances, it is most possible to inspect the subtle elements of a specific language as well as the social and linguistic points of interest that display how fluent speakers use each language as they alternate them.
An extra analysis of the relationship between language and community mainly concentrates on the conditions and use of language as an activity in the society. According to Strauss (2017), the analysis of the social context of language reveals a lot on how we form our group interactions when in a specific social community. When referring to an individual with the 'Mrs.', or 'Ms.,' title or using their surname, it’s not always about the humble choice of words or the basic choice of vocabulary but about the bond and social status of the person speaking and his or her audience. Equally, the usage of respective words such as please pass the salt in sentence structures is not based on basic sentence structure. It illustrates the idea of society cultural values and showing the act of deference, politeness, and acceptable social status.
When viewing language as a community activity, it is important to keep in mind the community rules for making speeches or conversation as a whole. The society not only dictates the rules for opening and closing a discussion but also defines how we should take conversational turns, and how we should narrate a story or tell a joke. As described by Jackson (2017), it’s possible to examine how human beings can manage their language with respect to their social backgrounds and their reasons for communication. Language experts will explore questions such as “in what manner single-gender dialogues are differentiated form mixed-gender discussions”, in what way are disparity power relationships manifest themselves in language forms, exactly how do parents or guardians make their children understand the better ways of using language and how changes in languages can be spread and made effective among different communities. Sociolinguists often employ ethnographic methods to respond to these questions related to language as a social activity. They try to establish a clear understanding of the values of a social community to clarify the attitudes and the behaviors of a certain language group.
Two leanings have described the growth of language in the 21st century. Primarily, the growth of precise specializations within the linguistic field has corresponded with the occurrence of extra centered communal and political subjects. Sociolinguists put more focus on subjects as language and ethnicity, language and gender, and language and nationalism which positively match with the increase of related language issues in the community. Subsequently, professionals who analyze the relationship between language and community are normally interested in connecting the outcomes of their analysis to the educational, political and social issues which acts as their development as sociolinguistic subjects to start with. Sociolinguistics thus provide an exceptional chance, to sum up, the theory, depiction, and presentation in the study of the relationship between language and society.
How languages influences individual identities and community roles.
Language plays an important role in facilitating the social interaction in every society irrespective of period or the physical location. Language and social interaction have a mutual relationship in the society. Duff (2017), in his book “Reflections on language teacher identity research “discusses how language profiles social interactions in society and how social interactions profiles language. Since language acts as a tool for human interactions, it’s difficult to separate it from another human. Language facilitates the social relationship and interaction between human beings through creation for a communicative environment.
Language and community have a strong relationship in that language basically affect the way we see the world. Villar (2018) in his description of language equates it to a pair of glasses we use in seeing everything in the world. Since there are numerous languages in the world, different people have different ways in which they see the world depending on their language. Other people may see the world as full of things that are non-discrete” and “flow” while universal languages such as English see the world as full of discrete and countable things. Whereas the English language views times as something that can be separated up into single seconds, minutes and days, other languages views time as inseparable and cannot be viewed regarding seconds, minutes or weeks. The global English language can count tangible things whereas other languages such as the Hopi language views tangible things as linguistically non-discrete items. These examples provide the perfect opportunity where language structure makes people see the world differently from one another.
Among the key relationship between language and community is the manner in which language affects the community in a sexist language. According to Papafragou (2017), language influences the way we view men and women as it has specific ways in which men and women are handled. For instance, the usage of words such as firemen or chairman undermines women as they indicate that only men can do such jobs. The choice and usage of words in the community thus influence how we view things.
Individuals with the multilingual background experience numerous difficulties when it comes to adapting, assimilating and aligning their language to a specific cultural identity that they want to be identified with or related to. Human beings develop their dialectal structure to create a similarity to those of the group they always anticipate to be identified with from time to time. Pennycook (2017), defines cultural identity as the product of social and historical background developed when a person classifies themselves a group, together with their social perspective and culturally habituated communicative configurations in their specific society. Language operates as an element that holds one's identity and functions as a t...
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