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Role of Women in The Society (Essay Sample)


Essay topic: discuss the Role of Women in the Society.
Double spaced
3 sources
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 Role of Women in the Society
Women play vital roles in society to make it a better place to live and prepare a future for future generations. They play societal, leadership, cultural, and religious roles. Even though women have maintained their traditional roles in societies depending on society’s customs and norms, they have embraced roles in all spheres of the community that was originally for men. Women are now contributing to leadership, agriculture, economic development, and even societal units thus marking their valuable roles in our society.
Women In Governance
The participation of women and men in formal and informal decision-making structures varies greatly between countries but is generally in favor of men. Institutional as well as cultural, economic, and societal factors limit women’s opportunities and abilities to participate in decision-making. (Borthwick, 2015)
Originally, governments were dominated by males and women did not have a voice. Decisions, policies, and legislation would be made by men on all matters including those that concern women. That has however changed as times evolve, women are now participating in leadership. They have taken top positions in governance. They have broken the barrier that existed before.
Women are participating in making laws, they are participating in developing strategies and policies in different sectors. Women have garnered political seats, they are leading administrators in agriculture, engineering, health entrepreneurship, etc. These positions held to show that they have garnered skills and knowledge that are required showing a change in the role of women in our society.
Women in leadership act as role models in communities. The services they provide, the skills they have, and many other things that build them as leaders are a thing to desire. Children get motivation through their leadership. This makes the younger community strive to become better and greater contributors to society.
Women involved in governance have developed strategies that help vulnerable groups in society. They have built centers for rescuing children and young girls forced into Female Genital Mutilation [FGM] or early marriages. In Kenya, the outgoing first lady, Magret Kenyatta developed a campaign that gives women an opportunity to have free maternity services. Some great women also offer bursaries and financial aid to children who are unable to attend school.
Role of Women in Agriculture
Agriculture is a massive contributor to most developing countries' Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. Women are producers, processors, distributors, and retailers of agricultural produce. Due to lack of enough capital, they venture into this industry as small-scale farmers. The dairy sector, crop agriculture, and aquaculture are dominated by small-scale farmers who are mostly women (Batil & Babus, 2018). They are involved in subsistence and commercial agriculture.
Women through their role in agriculture have benefitted their families, their societies, and the country as a whole. Through agriculture, they enjoy improved livelihoods through increased income levels. There is food security from the family unit up to national levels. Infrastructure has been enhanced due to the agriculture industry. It gives women a form of employment and on a larger scale can employ other people.

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