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Servant Leadership Interview Paper (Essay Sample)

This is a description of servant leadership in a healthcare workplace. The paper involved carrying out an interview with a nurse and noting leadership actions that promote servant leadership. The description also made connections to biblical interpretations of servant leadership. It required making references both to the interview and the bible to describe servant leadership. source..
Servant Leadership Interview Paper Student Name Course title Prof. Name June 1st 2024 Introduction The research involved an interview in which the respondents' personal information was deleted to protect their privacy. The respondent also provided consent to participate in the interview and allowed her responses to be used in an academic paper. The interview revealed characteristics of servant leadership such as stewardship, empathy, listening, and commitment to the growth of the staff. The paper makes relations to Jesus' journey on Earth. Jesus demonstrates similar characteristics of compassion, healing, and solving small problems so that followers can focus on the greater objectives. Jesus healed people to make examples of the healing of God and, empowered others, and used them to advance the gospel. Interview Paper A nurse from a casualty department of a mid-sized hospital was interviewed. The nurse gave examples of actions that they carried out to demonstrate their servant leadership. The nurse described servant leadership in a way that brought out various characteristics of the leadership method. She stated that servant leadership is "leadership by service to the followers so that they are empowered and motivated to execute their roles because they have been properly guided and operate with the honor and humility of their leader." The nurse expressed that a leader is designated as the leader to serve and not to be served because they apparently have more responsibility, followers, and many stakeholders of the job look up to them. A nurse leader, for instance, is responsible and answerable to the nurses' staff, patients, hospital management, the government, and the community. There is more responsibility to ensure individual nurses deliver passionately to their roles and are motivated to remain in the organization, patients trust and cooperate with their treatment plan, and the management, community, and government both rely on them and trust them to do the right thing (Maglione & Neville, 2021). Getting to show other nurses that they need to be trusted must start with them trusting the leader. Servant leadership strengthens the motive to serve, which is the spirit the leader wants their followers to have. The leadership style was first distinguishable with listening skills. This cuts across both staff and patients. Patients in the Casualty department need help with movement, eating, going to the washroom, and even turning in bed. Nurses have experience handling various patients, including accident patients. They may understand what they want better. However, listening to the patients and allowing them time to explain what they want is a servant leadership characteristic. While speaking to the nurse, a characteristic of empathy was discovered. Empathy in nurses may seem easy, but in a stressful work environment, nurses may seem to lack empathy. Nurses interact with the sick and people who have suffered tragic accidents (Maglione & Neville, 2021). Their work may demand a lot of movement and pressure. However, as a servant leader, nurses should empathize with patients when required. On several occasions, a patient's family would visit and want to talk to a nurse. While a nurse may understand the situation objectively, the interaction with the family of a patient may need to have empathy and assurance. Jesus in the bible shows empathy and compassion in various cases, especially in his leadership. In Mathew 9:36, the bible states, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” This was a show of empathy. When the nurse was asked to explain whether they allow their staff to reach their full potential, the nurses replied that that is the goal of a leader. A servant leader should ensure that staff exploits their experience and skill in the work. Employees who are allowed to carry out more challenging decisions develop a sense of trust and feel reliable to the company. One of the greatest motivations for employees has been making employees and the staff feel valuable. According to Sherman (2019), commitment to the growth of people and stewardship are great characteristics of servant leadership. Greenleaf, who popularized the idea of servant leadership, argued that the leadership type is implemented by attending to the needs of those they serve through empowering and uplifting them. The nurse explained about having to meet the needs of the staff while meeting the group’s objectives. Sherman (2019) talks about healing as a characteristic of servant leadership where leaders are also engaged in solving staff challenges in order to empower them to work towards the group objectives. In Mather 8: 13, “Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment." A man came to Jesus and told him that his servant was suffering at home. Jesus healed the servant. Jesus was amazed at the loyalty of the servant and healed him. He did this partly due to the loyalty of the servant, his service, and his compassion. Solving personal problems for a leader so that the group can focus on greater goals has always been at the core of Christianity and Jes...
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