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Should Religion Be Given A Place In Making Laws (Essay Sample)


Should Religion Have A Place in Making Laws
Religion and the government do not mix, religion has no place in politics and it has never had any rightful place in politics. Religion is a belief that is held by some people but not everyone, this is to mean that no one has the right to forcefully enforce religious beliefs on other people. In current world most of the countries uses democratic form of government’s. In a democratic government the freedom of religion is a must, this means that if religion gets involved in making laws those who are faithful in one religion will make their demands to the government that they be granted permission to influence the law making process.
Religious beliefs are causing many problems all over the world today. In some communities, contraceptive is illegal, this is because religion advocates the importance of procreation. Many cases of mothers and child mortality cases are high; this is because these women have no other choice but to have the baby. Also you will find that they have large families which they are not even able to provide for which led to malnutrition in the community. Religion is truly a voluntary belief and it’s supposed to remain that way it’s not a science or a law.
The constitution states very clearly that the Congress creates and passes bills, then the President signs those bills and they become the law. When congress is passing bills it should do it without respecting the religion, this is because religion should not have any recognition in the government. The government is founded on principles which allow every citizen to have freedom in choosing whatever religion they want to believe in. The laws of the government should be very secular so that they can be able to contain all it citizens. The government laws should be made separate from any religious belief. The government is entitled to support all members of the society, promoting fairness, equality and freedom of all citizens.
Religion is a very good thing in a society, and the ethical codes and morals which it emphasizes are crucial and of benefit in the society. Religion is supposed to be protected smartly as any other freedom that people have, this is because it has an important role in person’s life. However...
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