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Writing Assignment - The Most Significant Person: My Mother (Essay Sample)


Significant Person

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Significant Person
The most significant person is my mother. I consider her as a fighter and a complete individual I have ever known. She is gorgeous and has the best eyes. She works hard to ensure that I get a proper upbringing. She is also very strict and often corrects me lovingly whenever I get a few things wrong. Even though I may not like the way she corrects me, when I sit down and analyze, I realize that it is for my good and she intends to make me follow the right path as I grow up.
My mother has a lovely long hair; whenever she comes to visit me in school, my classmates have always asked me to ask my mother to remove pins from her hair so they can take a look at her long hair that is well kept. Although many people are beautiful, I have never seen anyone as beautiful as my mother; in fact, nobody comes close to her beauty.
I am fascinated by the manner in which she takes care of me, she is knowledgeable and has several home remedies that she uses to take care of minor illnesses whenever I get ill. She has also extended her caring love to farm animals mainly the chickens. I have always seen my mother checking on the chickens, and from time to time, she gives them medicine whenever she senses that they could be having some ailments.
I do not like when I see my mother sad; I am always willing to do anything to make her happy. Interestingly, even when she has her problems or is sad, she always wears a smile regardless of ho...
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