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The Analysis of Statements by The USA President after Briefings (Essay Sample)


White house BRIEFing


Whitehouse Briefing
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Date of Submission
Whitehouse Briefings
First Briefing.
Statement by the President after Briefing at the National Counterterrorism Center December 2016.
The American president promised to provide American people with the highest security. The president decided to involve members of the national security team to help in preventing terrorist attacks against the citizens of America and other nations. The CID and FBI departments helped in the investigation of any attacks. The departments were given full support by the federal government for them to carry out investigations on how the terrorists carry out various tragedies. The citizens are supposed to be vigilant, increase home awareness and enhance the safety of in public places especially during Holidays.
Some dedicated professionals like NCTC, help in investigating new information, analyzing them and integrating the information. These professionals share information across the federal government to provide unity. The intelligence and counterterrorism professionals so far do have any information about the recent attacks (Brady, Whitehouse, 2016). To prevent terrorists, the president gave authority for the counterterrorism to go after them. The special operations forces should be hard working. The forces helped in to take the terrorist out of Libya and Yemen. 
The US government restricted people from terrorist affected nations from entering America. Any refugee victims of terrorists were also prevented. Those who managed to visit the US undergo vetting include biometric screening.
Second Briefing
Press Briefing on the President's Meetings at the G20
During this meeting, the president discussed the outcome of the conference that was held by 12 different leaders of the various communities. The leaders discussed a trade that’s the importance of trade markets, the importance of supplying of trade goods, infrastructure, economic issues and the environment (Brady, Whitehouse, 2017).
The leaders discussed engaging in dialogue in c

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