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Should Collage students be involved into institutional administrative making decision process? (Essay Sample)


Final Essay for English Composition 2 class , no reference are really necessary

Should College Students Be Involved into Institutional Administrative Decision Making Process? Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Should College Students Be Involved into Institutional Administrative Decision Making Process? College administrative decision making is very important as it affects varied stakeholders. In this regard, institutions do involve different kinds of partiesin this process. One of the stakeholders that have faceddebates of whether they should participate in administrative decision making or not is students. While those for their involvement contend that it ensures effective implementation of decisions, those against it argue that students are minor and should remain passive but take instructions from adults. Therefore, college students should be fully involved in institutional administrative decision making because it makes changes acceptedeffectively, ensures that they feel part and parcel of colleges, and prevents them fromstrikes by inculcating discipline. Students should be involved in the administrative decision making process in colleges to ensureeffective implementation of decisions. Some issuessuch as course evaluation directly affect these stakeholders. Thus, it indicates the need for students’ full involvement. Many decisions in colleges introduce changes in the way institutions are run or processes that take place. Like in any other organizations, these transformations face resistance from stakeholders if not properly managed. One of the ways of implementing changeseffectively is the involvement of all partiesin the process. In this regard, the latter begins with decision making. The failure toengagestudents in administrative decision making leads to problems in planning and introducingcollege goals. When students participate in administrative processes, they become fully aware of the reasons why decisions have been made and benefits that thesewillprovide to colleges. As a result, they embrace changes. The involvement of students in the administrative decision making process will also make them feel that they are part of the institution. As a result, they become motivated to achieve results. Students who are not fully involved in administrative decision making of their colleges or whose participation is limited normally feel dissatisfied and frustrated. For instance, denying themthe chance to take part in making their personal decisions, such as selecting whether to attend school, behave successfully, and to maintain a growth mindset, demoralizes these stakeholders. Representing students in the decision making process of their colleges is a strategy of engaging, listening to, and involving them in internal processes. Those who feel involved are motivated, and itenhances their chances of improving performance. Moreover, students who are involved in the administrative decision making process are satisfied with decisions made. Lastly, college students should be involved in administrative decision making to reduce the possibility of strikes or solve them in case they arise by instilling discipline. School unrests hap...
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