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Significance Of Artificial Intelligence And Robotics Innovations (Essay Sample)


Significance of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Significance of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Significance of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics The increasing rate of robotic innovations and artificial intelligence (AI) has created fear of massive job loss among individuals across the globe. Various arguments conclude that the introduction of robots in the workforce is replacing human labor thus reducing employment opportunities. In most countries, artificial intelligence has been employed in different sectors of the economy to increase productivity and efficiency. As a result, artificial intelligence and robots are aiding human beings in their everyday activities. In future, the increasing rate of AI and robotic innovations will create more jobs than they eradicate. There is no doubt that AI will remodel the face of employment and industrial operations in future. Historically, robotic innovations and artificial intelligence has been associated with a transition period of temporary loss of jobs, followed by recovery, then economic transformation. Lee (2017) points out that, as much as AI improves the quality of products and replaces millions of low skilled employees, it also creates millions of new opportunities for both experienced and less experienced individuals. For instance, AI has brought new vacancies in the assembly line, which gives both skilled and non-skilled persons an opportunity to work. Notably, machines are efficient in performing complex mathematical problems, processing huge spreadsheets, and carrying out thousands of tasks within a short period. However, AI devices are not good at understanding and sharing feelings of human beings, and reacting to unfamiliar situations (Ertel, Black, & Mast, 2017). Consequently, in various industries such as education and healthcare, robots will not replace humans instead will support them. For example, robots can perform mechanical tasks in hospitals such as monitoring patients’ vital signs, diagnosing diseases, and maintaining cleanliness in a ward; thus allowing nurses and clinicians to attend to other needs. Additionally, as the number of robots and other artificial intelligence devices increase, more jobs surrounding them will be created. According to Smith & Anderson (2017), all new positions created by AI, only a third of them will be occupied by robotics while humans will fill the remaining two-thirds. Despite robots having the ability to perform thousands of tasks, they cannot look after themselves. Machines require regular human interventions to keep them in an excellent working condition. Due to their demands, new jobs will be created at every stage of AI journey, from development and testing, through to support, maintenance, and programming. Conclusively, through envisioning how artificial intelligence will change the current employment situation, it is possible to take advantage of the new technological innovations....
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