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Role Of Critical Thinking In Development Of Academic Writing (Essay Sample)
importance of critical thinking in writing academic research
Role Of Critical Thinking In Development Of Characteristic Of Academic Writing
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Different disciplines of academic writing have different approaches, but they all have a central point of approach to get the proper material that will be meant to inform the student and help them understand the topic under research. Planning and organizing an academic paper requires one to analyze the pieces of information acquired to avoid deviating from the key aspects of the topic or repeating oneself. Language has to be used in a precise and accurate manner in order to achieve the desired goals of the topic under research.
Writing academic papers requires a high standard of reasoning in presenting the ideas and facts on different topics, (L. H.& Baurain, 2011). These facts gathered have to have a sequence and maintain a smooth flow so as to appear orderly and logical.
There are key characteristics that have to be considered carefully when dealing with academic research papers. The writer has to ensure that the research is:
* Complex
* Formal
* Responsible
* Objective
* Persuasive
* Precise
* Accurate
* Relevant
Purpose Of Each Key Characteristic Of Academic Writing
Formality is a key characteristic in writing. Avoiding use of short forms of words, abbreviations and colloquial expressions is very important. Acute use of phrasal expressions is often considered informal in writing because they are used in spoken word.
Accuracy of the words used in an essay is an important requirement. The writer has to be careful with synonyms, because some words may have a similar meaning and may often replace each other but may also differ in contextual meaning(L. H.& Baurain, 2011). Rich vocabulary is an extra point in writing but also something that can cause damage if not properly utilized.
Being able to present the facts rather than what the writer feels or thinks about the topic under discussion, shows that the they understand the topic well (Parfitt, 2012). They should be able to be clear how they arrive at an argument and the conclusion to draw from it. All these are meant to bring out objectivity as a characteristic of writing.
Academic writing has more difficulty as compared to spoken language. It focuses on grammatical rules with a higher sense of complexity (Halpern, 2013). The level of complexity desired in academic writing can become tricky if the writer does not use the vocabulary properly and that the target audience prefers a simpler language.
As a writer, one has to be precise and straight to the point to avoid ambiguity in expressing the points and also how they flow (Sebranek, 2015). When a writer is not exact on the message that they want to be present, the reader will have a problem understanding the information gathered. Precision also shows that the writer is conversant with the topic they are researching on.
Through paraphrasing and summary, the writer should be able to assume responsibility of the work done by providing justification through citations to support the claims being made in the research topic.
A writer has to be persuasive in their flow of ideas to catch the eye of the reader or the targeted group. however, they have to be careful with the choice of words to avoid sounding like the facts in place are more personal than the actual ideas needed in the research (Lowe & Zemliansky, 2011).
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