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Fredrick Douglas: The Most Prominent Writer In The American Literarure (Essay Sample)


Write an essay about a famous writer from the 19th century whose writings influence contemporary writers and authors.

Frederick Douglas Name Institution Frederick Douglas Fredrick Douglas, a former slave, is one of the most prominent writers in the American Literal works. The events of his life are put into consideration to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the 19th century. A slave at a very young age, he was exposed to the difficult life of being a slave (Trotman, 2011). Moreover, his mother was a slave and speculations placed the father to be the master of the farm. Douglas was a witness to the murder of his aunt at a young age of seven. Afterwards his affair with Mrs. Auld gave him the opportunity to have the ability to read and write. His marriage afterward to Anne Murray a slave woman gave him a new perspective of what life as it came at a point that he was not a slave to anyone. The works of Douglas are most famous for the influential role it had in the Abolitionist Movement. He spoke in most of his meetings as he had a firsthand experience of being slave and his word had a great driving force to the American-Anti Slavery policy. Fredrick Douglas spoke of the importance of every man being free. He depicted that, given the right incentive; a black man can be equal to any white man. His drive of never relinquishing has been incorporated in today in most societies (Douglass & Stepto, 2009). Douglas flight from slavery was significantly owed to the harsh reactions of the master. After acquiring education, he noticed that literacy would be the liberation to the black man. His invitation to the movement was to give his experience as a slave. However, his passionate speech opened days to the literal world. From these stories it is evident that the world in which we thrive in currently is much less oppressive compared to that lived in the late 1880s. The era had constant incidences of slavery, which most people did not perceive it as wrong as opposed to the current world where the same act is inhuman and a hooligan act. Frederick Douglas in his autobiography portrays individuals as innocent, with qualities against oppression in current society. His story line tells of the wrong incapability, which generate certain believes that the individuals bringing change in the whole phase of humanity (Douglass, 1994). Billy Budd tries to give the intent in naming the rights of man in the obvious showing choice of oppression. Melville, discusses about the intent of naming the naming the first ship which is an evident episode in the whole of the land. The lessons in the text is that the when faced by an oppr...
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