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History of 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt (Essay Sample)
Theodore Roosevelt
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Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family in New York city, the 27th October 1858. He was a graduate of Harvard college and later joined law school but only for a year, where went for politics at. Theodore was elected to the State Assembly of New York and served for three years.
Theodore left his political career for sometime due to the loss of his mother and wife in 1884 and took care of his father’s inheritance of cattle ranch in Dakota (Roosevelt, 2006). He came back to politics in 1886. Roosevelt was appointed as to serve as a member of civil service but later, he joined the police department in New York.
Theodore actively took a great part in Cuban war as a colonel which broke out in 1898.this was enabled by the fact that (Roosevelt, 2001) he has been working with president McKinley’s administration in the capacity of Naval secretary and had been preparing for it war.
He became the vice president for not more than one year period and later climbed to his predecessor’s throne (President Mc Kinley), having been assassinated on the 14th September 1904. President Theodore led in mediation between Russia and Japan in 1905, on their peaceful co-existence. In a few weeks, this was successful as the negotiations led to a peace agreement (Roosevelt, 2001) in September the same year.
Roosevelt started preparing to leave office because he had pledged not to run for another term. He gave his support to William Taft (Roosevelt, 2006) to become his successor in 1909, having left the presidency. He later began touring in both Europe and Africa for the following 10 months. Roosevelt came back only to find...
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