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The Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC) (Essay Sample)

THE TASK REQUIRED I EXPLAIN THE JOINT THEATER SUPPORT CONTRACTING COMMAND (JTSCC). The task IS DIRECT as it contains only one instruction, to write the task using APA format. I researched and found credible information about the Joint Theater Support Contracting Command on the US military website. The source is credible and merits scholarly usage. source..
The Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC) Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number: Date Professor’s Name Date Wk4 DB: Explain The Joint Theater Support Contracting Command (JTSCC) The JTSCC is essential in establishing a military command framework to make it easy for large and sophisticated joint contracting operations. Many military contractors and different affiliated corporations are in operation overseas. They comprise governmental and non-governmental agencies and inter-organizational partners. In as much as they are likely to perform diverse roles, there is always a risk of collision, especially in areas where they should collaborate since every contractor answers to different commands. Joint Chiefs of Staff (2019) states that the JTSCC's functional aim as the principal contracting authority is to normalize operations in joint areas of operations through command and control. Therefore, the JTSCC comes on cue to fine-tune military training and operations. A critical aspect of JTSCC is that it creates efficiency and minimizes misunderstandings in joint operations. Joint Chiefs of Staff (2019) explains that through planning, contracting, oversight, coordination activities, and provision of contractual support in joint operations, the JTSCC can achieve efficiency and stability. They add that JTSCC has been able to reduce the risk of competition for contracts, eliminate repetitive or redundant contracts, exercise control and manage overall theatre support contracting, use its contracting staff efficiently, and now contractually support the civil-military aspects. On the other...
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