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Anxiety Disorder: Therapeutic Approaches To Treating Dementia (Essay Sample)


therapeutic approaches for dementia

Student’s Name The Name of the Class (Course) Professor (Tutor) The Name of the School (University) The City and State where it is located The Date Abstract Anxiety refers to a physical and emotional response to an unclear, uncertain or an event that is uncontrollable. Someone may have a vague feeling that something dangerous is going to take place or intellect of fate. In most instances, worry majorly focuses on life events. Anxiety disorder has the following characteristics; - A feeling of being a perfectionist - Trying to get other people impressed - Feeling inadequate frequently - Using alcohol to reduce the effect - Feeling afraid without a reason - Feeling unworthy of the love of God There are different types of anxiety disorders that are known today by the scientists. They include the following: 1. Phobias 2. Panic attacks 3. Post-Traumatic stress disorder 4. Panic disorder 5. Generalized anxiety disorder Contents Introduction………………………….1 Historical………………………………1 I. Cause…………………………….. 2 Treatment……………………………….. 4 Prevention……………………………… 5 Cross-Cultural…………………………… 6 II. Biblical……………………………… 6 Conclusion………………………………… 7 References…………………………………..7 Introduction There are many public anxiety disorders. These disorders are most prevalent of all mental disorders. Cultural factors, ethnic and racial factors strongly affect these disorders by part. In general, there are more than two hundred identified cases of mental disorders. Most people think that the circumstances of mental disorders are almost rare (Richey, 2010). However, that is not the case. Research shows that about fifty-four million Americans suffer from mental disorders every year. It is difficult for most families to understand the behavior of their loved ones who have the said disorder. Such instances can raise a vulnerable feeling to the judgments and the options of others. A series of events or a particular stressing situation may result in mental illness. Mental disorders are also psychological, emotional and physical like other diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer. Some of the causes of mental illness include the following: - Genetic factors - Environmental stress - Biochemical imbalances or even a combination of all of the above This paper is going to investigate all the facts about mental disorders, for this research, anxiety disorders are emphasized. Some of the questions that needed to be answered are: What is anxiety disorder? What are the causes of this anxiety disorder? What age bracket does it affect mostly? How is it cures and what are the preventive measures taken against it? This pare carries out a research and in the end, suggest the best answers for this questions. Historical Anxiety disorder is recognized today as the most common class of mental health disorders as well as the most treatable. Therefore it is far much easier for us to forget the agenda of the phobia meeting which was held in 1978 in the New York City at the White Plains. Initially, anxiety disorder had not been identified by the scientists. Majority of these anxieties were termed as phobias (Asnaani, 2012). There were phobia meetings which were organized in which patients together with the clinicians attended to promote national awareness and treatment of phobias. The new therapies known as exposure therapies are working. The Phobia Society of America was founded in 1980 by a small research group. The founders were able to imagine what influence unscrambling the mysteries of anxiety would have regarding investigative follow-up and future action alternatives. The ability of the communication technologies to provide information to the clinicians and patients was dawn. Such information could be accessed instantly at any point and time around the globe. Several changes took place as the researchers identified channels amid an abnormal flow of the blood in the brain and the panic attacks. It was learned the anxiety disorders are coupled with health and pervasive social outcomes. This led to the discovery of various tested therapies as well as medications meant for the treatment of anxiety. Anxiety Disorders Association of America became one of the first mental health corporations and was able to advocate, provide clinical information education and disseminated the science behind the anxiety disorder. Its name was changed again to Anxiety and Depression Association of America in the year 2012. The nature of the patients is reflected by this name and also reflects and acknowledges the realities clinical practices. I. Cause of the Illness Anxiety disorder has a wide range of causative agents that have been identified and scientifically proven. The reasons are listed below: • Abuse of alcohol and other drugs – Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages and abuse of drugs result in anxiety disorder. Due to hallucination, a victim of drug abuse feels isolated and hence the anxiety. • Lack of meaning and purpose in someone’s life – Some people don’t get to understand the real meaning of life. According to them, life is full of distress and frustrations. These feelings combined will develop the disorder of anxiety. • The way one perceives herself or himself in their thoughts – individuals may feel low self-esteem due to the life situations. The situations usually are lack of food, money or even favor thereby making an individual feel underrated. • Your beliefs and attitude about yourself God and the world – Different people have different perspectives about, the world God and themselves. Some people think that God does not exist due to their life challenges and frustrations. They have a feeling that the world is not fair to them and as a result, anxiety develops. • Genetic makeup – this is based on imbalances of chemicals in someone’s brain. These chemicals are contained in a genetic heredity material known as DNA. When the parent develops anxiety characteristics, these characteristics are then passed on from the parent to the offspring at birth. • Cumulative stress – stress may accumulate due to reasons to do with regular accidents in a family, weddings, births, next moves or even financial constraints. • Early life trauma of abuse, neglect or separation – in other instances, some children may be neglected or separated from their families. This arouses the feeling of anxiety when they experience challenges in life. These challenges may include struggling to meet their needs and get food. • Family background – this commonly occurs in families that are the perfectionist. Treatment Treatment of anxiety disorder is tied to a specific patient. These treatments may be in one or more of the following forms: 1. Psychopharmacology 2. Individual Psychotherapy 3. Group therapy 4. Systematic Desensitization hypnosis 5. Imagery 6. Relaxation Exercises 7. Biofeedback The most effective treatment method of anxiety treatment is psychotherapy and drug treatment. However, there is a rare complete systematic relief. The anti-anxiety drugs such as Benzodiazepine can relieve anxiety. However, these drugs should only be prescribed for a period not exceeding six weeks to avoid possible abuse (Kessler RC, 2012). Buspirone results in less sedation and less danger of psychological and physical dependence as compared to benzodiazepine. However, several weeks are taken for its effectiveness. Through psychotherapy, a patient can recognize and deal with the possible causes of anxiety, expect their reactions and prepare for productive reply measures to carp anxiety. The patient may learn relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, focused relaxation, and deep breathing. The importance of this therapy is that anxiety is dealt with entirely and that; there are no possible cases of side effects associated with it. Prevention Anxiety is the state of experiencing a powerful feeling of fear of real or imagined threat affecting psychological, physical or emotional experiences. One way of preventing anxiety disorder is by relaxing your body. When the body is relaxed stress hormones are used up and expelled out of the body faster, therefore, it brings an end to the feelings of an active stress response. A relaxed body does away with muscle tension which is caused by the stress response. Secondly, keeping you busy (Hofmann, 2010). This helps to avoid anxious thinking which is a state of believing that something terrible is about to happen. One hold himself or herself working by practices such as calling a friend, reading a storybook, playing a game or watching a video. Anything which distracts our mind from the sensation of active stress response assists in ending anxiety disorder. You need to stop scaring yourself. Fear is the most common cause of anxiety attack, therefore; controlling yourself through positive thinking will conquer the fear hence preventing the disorder. When you do away with fear, then you avoid the most common causes of anxiety. Another natural way of preventing anxiety disorder is by taking a deep breath. As you take a deep breath, your body will calm down which ends the anxiety attack. Calming you down is another measure of prevention. When you calm yourself down, the stress response in the body ends. This happens when the body uses up stress hormones and expels the remaining ones. Another way of preventing anxiety disorder is by understanding what anxiety attacks are, their causes and how to respond to them. This stops the fear of being attacked by these disorders. Having a positive attitude towards any anxiety disorder is the best wa...
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