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Vulnerability of mobile Applications: WhatsApp, Facebook, and Skype (Essay Sample)


write about Vulnerability of mobile Applications


Vulnerability of mobile Applications
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The joy of using mobile apps has by length impaired the ability of the users to see their dangers to them. Mobile devices are designed to incorporate various web domains that display web content online. The streams of such apps are created such that they can operate on their own without necessarily having to visit the main website (iPhones trump androids for mobile commerce app usage. (2013, Apr 15). It is to say; an identical application can be generated to perform a specific task there be. It should be noted, therefore, that all these apps posses their risks. The paper will endeavor to deliberate on the vulnerability and the needs to understand them. Among these apps will include WhatsApp, Facebook, and Skype.
To begin with, WhatsApp is a messenger application that has since been developed to include image and other file exchange between persons. One can also make both audio and video call by the app. By extension, the app is an advance text messenger. The obvious risk with the app is the inability to recall a file, and text once sent. It is like for the user to send wrong document or file. Also, the app is designed to enable a group chat. Information can quickly get to the wrong hand due to a large number of people who use the app. Fraudulent individuals have taken the opportunity to use these platforms to lure large mass of people to criminal activities. Scammers equally find their way here.
Facebook is yet another viral site. The platform has inhabited billions of people; it is more developed than WhatsApp since it an automatic search engines to enable one to find friends all over the world (Datta, Kajanan &Pervin). Unlike WhatsApp, one does not need to keep an active conversation with the contacts there be. The timelines are automatically updated once a friend posts an item. The platform has both the live chat and the video call window. One most offensive threat that the platform faces is hacking. Public image is the primary foundation of every individual's social profile. A Facebook platform like other platform is a based on an individual's profile, whenever one is in access of the pattern the image of such individual rest in compromised situations. Criminal minds take advantage of this to unlawfully gain access to this acc from which they use to taint the images of these victims. Facebook like the name suggests a free media platform where everyone exercises there inalienable rights of speech and self-expression. One is allowed to post every sort of image they deem fit as long as it does not interfere directly with the rights of the other; however, there are no clear lines to which level they get to not interfere with other's rights. The latter being a subject of debate individuals have indiscriminately posted on the platform. It is clear how the users get very vulnerable when one has no limits to what is put on air. Some use the platform to settle their difference. It usually is difficult to maintain decorum when the conversations go public.
Skype on the hand is mainly live call application. It operates more similarly as the WhatsApp call window. For Skype, however, there is no audio call, all calls are video. Evidently, for a video call to the function, the caller image must be on display. The danger here is that frauds may use the chance to gain specific credentials of the caller such facial identity from which they can reproduce a scan of the same. Sometimes, a face scan can be used to generate...
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