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Whether "Terribly Quiet Chats" are a good idea (Essay Sample)

This essay was written about whether"Terribly Quiet Chats" are a good idea. In this essay i mentioned the introduction of the topic, its advantages, signs and the reason behind this kind of behavior. The purpose of these quiet chats is to save the life of patients which may occur due to unusual behaviour of doctors. source..
Discuss whether "Terribly Quiet Chats" are a good idea Writer Institution Discuss whether "Terribly Quiet Chats" are a good idea When doctors do bad decisions and show unacceptable behavior, their colleagues try to help them silently without notifying the authority. They keep helping their colleagues until they do something really bad. For example, if a doctor writes a wrong prescription, makes wrong decisions regarding surgeries, and ignores the patient, colleagues try to help the doctor by reviewing his decisions and referring the patient to other doctors. They just tell them about mistakes in a separate room, this is called terrible quiet chat. This way of quiet chats might help a physician if all his wrongdoings are temporarily due to personal issues and he may become focused again after a few times. But it may prove harmful because a physician will keep the same behavior of making mistakes until it would cost a life of a patient. So, a colleague must notify senior authorities about anything unusual done by a doctor and they should avoid protecting him. Because this behavior is more helpful for a doctor and the patient to protect the career and life respectively. According to Neff, there are certain signs of behavior changes that can be suspected and notified to higher authorities including abusive language, bizarre behavior, violation of doctor-patient relationship, and mood swingsCITATION Gaw00 \p 66 \l 1033 (Gawande, 2000, p. 66). Hank Goodman was a very famo...
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