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Analysis of The Aspergers Syndrome (Essay Sample)


Aspergers syndrome


Aspergers Syndrome
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Anomitri, C., & Lazaratou, H. (2017). Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia: Νeurodevelopmental continuum or separated clinical entities?. Psychiatrike= Psychiatriki, 28(2), 175-182.
This article gives a view about Aspergers Syndrome and Schizophrenia and is focused on comparing and contrasting them. Eugen Bleuler also contrasted schizophrenia with autism about an era back. He regarded autism as a method of the seclusion of schizophrenic victims on behalf of extraction from realism. Since then, there have remained no clear boundaries between these two conditions. New researches have given new information about these two conditions. This has made it easier to differentiate between these two conditions. However, it is difficult to dissociate milder forms of these two disorders.
This article explains that Aspergers Syndrome is a heritable lifelong and continuous disorder present from the early days of childhood. Aspergers Syndrome is under the group of autism spectrum disorders, and diagnosis is undertaken during youthful. Its victims are regularly diagnosed late or thought of having schizophrenia (Anomitri et al.,2017). When Asperger Syndrome is diagnosed wrongly, it creates complicated problems by preventing effective therapy. Many Asperger syndrome features are also found in schizophrenia. Examples of these characteristics are such as disabilities in communication, restricted interests and impaired social interaction. Anomitri and colleagues continue to say that some characteristics may lead to differential diagnosis. These include family antiquity of prevalent developmental orders, lack of thoughts, rational aspect of language use, younger age at onset etc.
It is known that signs of Asperger syndrome are almost similar to those of schizophrenia, only that comorbidity between these two disorders is yet to know. There have been researches about whether autism spectrum disorders in fledgling broods can make them a risk factor for developing schizophrenia or further psychotic ailments when they grow up. Still, no conclusion is made yet. According to these scholars, joint ailments are of neurodevelopmental derivation, and the inherent aspect is apparent. They continue to say that both neurocognitive deficits together with communal perception and communal operational are marked. The margins amongst Asperger syndrome and schizophrenia are not drawn even if this discrepancy is essential for the victim and the relatives' appropriate treatment.
This article is legit because it is founded on Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Scopus (Anomitri et al., 2017). It is three years now since it was published, giving credit to it having delivered up-to-date information about Asperger syndrome. Anomitri, one of the contributors, is a psychiatrist from the University of Athens. This article provides a view of how Asperger syndrome is related to schizophrenia, similar and different symptoms and a clear definition of how schizophrenia is related to autism. The weaknesses I found in the article is that it has not gotten into deep discussions of Asperger syndrome.
Jung, S., Sindermann, C., Li, M., Wernicke, J., Quan, L., Ko, H. C., & Montag, C. (2019). Anxiety-related coping styles, social support, and internet use disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 640.
This article's objective is to get a clear influence of social resources on the development of Internet Use Disorder and the independence of nervousness-related surviving flairs impacting Internet Use Disorder development. For some people, the disconnected biosphere is full of disappointments and obstructions, and they find online as their refuge, which would lead to internet addiction. This article refers to this addiction as Internet Use Disorder. Some of the symptoms associated with this disorder are tolerance, difficulty in controlling internet usage behavior, withdrawal when not online and preoccupation with the internet. This article suggests that males are more vulnerable to this disorder than females, but this view is more challenged.
There are specific IUD forms such as communal media use disorder and internet communication disorder (Jung et al., 2019). Unspecified IUD related to some extent to some forms of specific IUD and particularly internet communication disorder. Montag and colleagues state that the areas covered were online pornography use, online cinematic betting, online errands and collaborative networks.
Social net and communal support can be potted as a social resource. This article goes on to say that it is thought that nervousness-related managing flairs show a strong character in IUD comorbidity and help in understanding menace factors and therapeutic steps to follow. Individuals feeling unease about the frustrations of online flee to the harmless adventure of the online biosphere. Collaboration with practical-biosphere communal circumstances could be seen as possible carnal dangers, and thus potential social harmful interactions are something to be avoided because it is not even supportive.
Availability of qualitative social resources appears to play a distinct character in coping vigilantly in circumstances where self-esteem or self-image is dared. However, the study results showed negative correlations between social support and IUD and between social network size and IUD. The noticed connection between communal sustenance and IUD was stouter than that of social network size and IUD. This reinforced the distinct role of alleged communal sustenance in contrast to social network size to pursue defensive aspects. Persons through low propensities to survive vigilantly in an ego-threat scenario benefits greatly from social support.
A nearer aspect at the surviving flairs implies that there might be the possibility of new therapeutic approaches as the current ones and manuals ones mostly rely on behavioral therapy. Spotting dominant surviving flairs and defense mechanisms could lead to the detection of risk factors for Internet Use Disorder development. The addition of mindfulness-grounded notions where victims cram to regulate and emphasize their devotion in a cognisant way is another therapeutic approach for IUD persons (Jung et al., 2019). This helps remove the focus on anxiety irritating stuff to aid and sustenance one's noble cluster. The maturity of defense mechanism clearly explains why most teens have Internet Use Disorder.
This article has explained the relation between anxiety coping styles and social support to Internet Use Disorder very clearly, making it legit. It has discussed this relationship after a study was carried out, strengthening the topic's discussion. On the other hand, the article also intends to provisions the attitude that unique surviving flairs are required to utilize the offered communal sustenance. Furthermore, the article is scholarly and credible due to its publication within the last five years, and the authors are experts in psychiatry. A strength noted in this article is that it would be advantageous to victims and therapists of Internet Use Disorders. The sources of the article were greatly implemented, and it added to the argument. The study was reviewed and permitted by an Ethics Committee at Ulm University. However, the article's weakness is that there were limitations during the study of unbalanced sample composition of age, gender, and background. Despite this limitation, though, the article has underlined the importance of social support and coping styles to prevention against Internet Use Disorder.
Fleischer, A. S. (2017). Support to students with Asperger syndrome in higher education—the perspectives of three relatives and three coordinators. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 35(1), 54-61.
Most scholars, through infirmities, appear in higher institutions. Amongst them are students who were suffering from Asperger syndrome. These students have an intellectual diminishing that can affect their lessons and define their requirements and request for sustenance. This article reveals a valuation of sustenance for these apprentices since the relative's and guardians' perspectives in the universities they attend. There are no particular institutional routines for students with Asperger syndrome. The method of working with apprentices with Asperger syndrome is founded on the university coordinator's thoughts. This means that the needs of these students should be merged into the sustenance scheme.
This piece examines how three scholars who are victims of Asperger syndrome elaborated in advanced schooling in the United States. The study's objective was to determine the kind of support based on the university's freedom of choice, whether it helps or acts as a barrier (Fleischer, 2017). The university has offered all three students support. Nevertheless, this sustenance has remains acknowledged in different customs. None of the scholars is certain about what the sustenance is support to do for them.
When Adam, one of the students, was reimbursed for his education after diagnosis, he requested care from the college director. However, the care became a basis of pressure since Adam's counselor was a new creature. Adam claimed that he expected to ask what he needs from the mentor through support. He said he does not have any support thoughts, and he preferred not to talk about it.
Bert, another student, at first did not see the need for support. He told a teacher he trusts that he trusts the diagnosis. When he later came to know the kind of support given, he joined. Things operated fine with the educator he trusts, and through this, he was gifted to make development i...

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