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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Annotated Bibliography (Essay Sample)

Summarize the source. dEtermine the main arguments, Determine the main point of the article, THe topics covered, is the information reliable? Is it biased or objective? How will you use the source in you research paper? Has it changed how you think about your topic? Does it provide you with any questions you seek? source..
Name Professor Course Date Annotated Bibliography Kominski, Gerald F. Changing the U.S. Health Care System: Key Issues in Health Services Policy and Management. John Wiley and Sons, 2013. The book "Changing the U.S. Health Care System: Health Services Policy and Management: Key Issues" combines true practical insight into crucial challenges and trends in American healthcare. The San Francisco book covers a wide range of issues like healthcare financing, delivery systems, quality of care, access as well as the roles of governmental and private bodies in the healthcare industry. The book looks at these problems from different points of view and gives a well-balanced, concise view of the complexities facing policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the general population. This book develops as a great asset to students, researchers, and personnel in the healthcare sector including players in insurance houses, public hospitals, research institutions, and financial institutions, among others. This book has many valuable lessons that are essential for policymakers, health managers, and researchers attempting to manage healthcare delivery, set up the right policy frameworks, and solve arising issues in the United States healthcare system. It leads to the formation of opinions on the ingredients that can improve the current system and make health care delivery more efficient and fairer for all involved and interested parties. The book could be used to develop evidences for healthcare reform, including access to healthcare. Ball, Marion, et al. Nursing Informatics: Where Technology and Caring Meet. Springer, 2010. Edited by Marion J. Ball, "Nursing Informatics: Where Technology and Caring Meet" Offers a Detailed Accounting of a Linking of Technology with Nursing. Furthermore, the book dives into the topics of Electronic Health Records (EHR), telehealth, data management, and broader I.T. implications in healthcare. The book also includes contributions from experts in the field which will be valuable for the nurses, nursing informaticists, educators, and other health workers who will be advised to use the strategies that will be provided to improve patients’ care while using technology. The data in the document, which is collected from valid research results and specialized healthcare knowledge, creates a strong footing that helps to understand what nursing computer science is and how it relates to the modern healthcare delivery system. It brings some key lessons and strategies for the informatics approach so as to improve the effectiveness of patient care, practice efficiency, and address the realities of modern healthcare delivery systems. Thus, it stands itself as an important and helpful find for researchers, administrators, and practitioners interested in using technology-enabled solutions in the United States health care delivery system. It could also stir more curiosity towards creative use of technology and innovative solutions informatics. Almenara, Carlos A., et al. “Sensor Technology and Intelligent Systems in Anorexia Nervosa: Providing Smarter Healthcare Delivery Systems.” BioMed Research International, vol. 2022, Sept. 2022, pp. 1–13, doi:10.1155/2022/1955056. The article "Sensor Technology and Intelligent Systems in Anorexia Nervosa: Providing Smarter Healthcare Delivery Systems" written by Carlos A. Almenara and his co-authors and published in the BMRI (BioMed Research International), provides an analytical study on the use of sensor technology and intelligent systems integrated within a healthcare delivery system while expounding on how to approach anorexia nervosa (AN). Through the industrialization of these technologies during real-time monitoring and personalized interventions for AN patients, the authors give a hint at the role of this system in the wider context of the healthcare system in the US. The debate about smarter healthcare delivery systems highlights the importance of using modern technologies to overcome certain patient challenges, to make the care and the treatment more effective, and to give the healthcare providers an efficient tool for their work. This research article addresses reliably the innovations developed by the digital technology in the healthcare sector of the United States that are of interest to researchers and policymakers. This is achieved by informatio...
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