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Bacterial Vaginosis: Polymicrobial Synergistic Infection (Essay Sample)


essay is about infections in the vagina.


Bacterial Vaginosis
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Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacteria are not always synonymous with disease and infection. In fact, some bacteria that reside in different parts of our bodies such as the mouth, and gut and help the body function correctly or prevent other series health implications that would ensue in their absence. The vagina is one such place where some bacteria exist to maintain a critical balance necessary for normal functioning of the body. These bacteria and other microorganisms that are found in the vagina are known as vaginal microbiota. The most abundant organism regarding numbers in the vagina is a group of bacteria from the genus known as Lactobacillus. A good example of one such bacterium is L. crispatus, whose secretions of lactic acid protect the vagina against infections from other pathogens that cannot thrive in an acidic environment (Wielgoś & Pietrzak, 2012). The composition of vaginal microbiota vary from woman to woman hence there is no standard composition that can be regarded as healthy for all individuals. However, due to various underlying factors, some of the bacteria in the vagina can overgrow to extreme levels causing an imbalance that leads to other complications. Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), or non-specific vaginitis, is a medical condition caused by this overgrowth of certain vaginal microbiota. This paper is going to explore how and why bacterial vaginosis exists.
BV is a polymicrobial synergistic infection hence it is caused by a culmination of factors involving the composition of the vaginal microbiota. It is caused by a reduction in the number of normal hydrogen peroxide, and lactic acid-producing lactobacilli bacteria and an increase in other types of bacteria, particularly those that thrive in the absence of oxygen (anaerobes). This imbalance in itself has very few symptoms and serious ramifications but promotes the occurrence of opportunistic infections and makes a patient more susceptible to other diseases and complications (Eschenbach et al.,1984).
Bacterial Vaginosis or nonspecific vaginitis is caused when one of the many microorganisms changes the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina. Typically, the Lactobacillus bacteria compose the majority of the vaginal flora. These bacteria thrive in the presence of oxygen, which they utilize in their secretion of lactic acid. However, when other bacteria found in the vagina such as Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium, Eubacterium over multiply and alter the normal balance, it results in BV. Other bacteria such as Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Streptococcus viridans, and Atopobium vaginae have also been found to contribute to BV when they grow and exceed their normal numbers in the vagina.
BV is diagnosed through a combination of vaginal examination and laboratory testing (Eschenbach et al., 1984). Once a patient notices abnormal vaginal discharge, she is advised to see a general practitioner or physician. Diagnosis of BV may be based entirely on a description of the symptoms and a physical examination whereby the doctor can look for specific indicators of BV like a grayish/white discharge. However, if the patient’s history reveals other predisposing risk factors such sexual activity, additional testing is needed to rule out any number of STD’s. A swab test is used to collect sample cells from the vaginal wall. The sample is then subjected to microscopic scrutiny for a positive diagnosis of BV through gram stain interpretation (Nugent, Krohn & Hillier, 1991). Additionally, the vaginal pH might be tested for clarity purposes with an extremely alkaline pH indicating positive diagnosis of BV
Many factors might cause the imbalance of vaginal microbiota that is synonymous with BV. Some physical factors include intrauterine devices, vaginal douching or introduction of hygiene products, water, vinegar, or antiseptic into the birth canal, cigarette smoking, and multiple or new sexual partners. Other physiological risk factors include the use of certain antibiotics that kill off harmless bacteria in the vagina and infections such as bacterial vaginosis.
The main signs associated with BV are manifested through vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge may change color and become grayish or white. Further, the discharge may acquire a watery and thin texture as opposed to the normal viscous and smooth texture. Patients of BV may also notice a fish-like foul odor emanating from their vagina and vaginal discharge. Although it is not common, women with BV might also experience a burning sensation while urinating, itching or pain around the periphery of the vagina. However, almost 50% of patients with BV have no symptoms and as such women are always advised to be on the lookout for the signs even when they do not feel sick or any different as is characteristic of symptoms of other diseases (Wielgoś & Pietrzak, 2012)
Most of the time, BV abates and eventually disappears without medical intervention. However, owing to the possible complications including HIV infection and STI susceptibility that BV presents, patients are advised to undergo treatment as soon as they are diagnosed. The main treatment regimen involves administration of various antibiotics depending on a patient’s condition at the time of treatment. Metronidazole, the most common antibiotic for BV, is administered as an oral tablet or gel applied to the vagina for a maximum of seven days depending on the physician’s instructions based on an assessment of the situation and circumstances. This medication regimen is preferred for pregnant women or breastfeeders due to its high efficacy and minimal side effects. In case the BV reoccurs, or Met...
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