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Bariatric Surgery Patient (Essay Sample)

the essay was about a female patient named EJ, admitted for Gastric Bypass or Bariatric Surgery. The instructions required the submission of a paper discussing Important Education Topics for Gastric Bypass Surgery, the PATIENTs' diet after the surgery, complications that may arise FOLLOWING the surgery, and Dumping Syndrome and Interventions to Prevent Its Development following gastric bypass surgery. source..
Bariatric Surgery Patient Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name Professor’s Name Date Bariatric Surgery Patient Important Education Topics for Gastric Bypass Surgery It is significant to provide information on critical educational topics to EJ, the female patient admitted for Gastric Bypass or Bariatric Surgery, to help her prepare for life post-surgery. The most essential topics to emphasize include regular exercise and observing a proper diet that entails protein intake, vitamins, and minerals. The patient must also monitor blood sugar levels, avoid carbonated beverages, observe signs of dehydration, and avoid alcohol and high sugar intake (Benalcazar & Cascella, 2022). EJ must also eat slowly and chew well to avoid dumping syndrome. The patient should also undergo regular blood checkups to measure blood count and liver and kidney functions. These are the significant educational topics to introduce to the patient. Advanced Patient’s Diet After the surgery, EJ’s diet will consist of four different diet phases. The first phase will include a clear liquid diet, such as fruit juices and broths. The second is a complete liquid diet, including skim milk and cream soups. Third is a pureed diet consisting of smashed foods and fruits. The last phase is a regular or stabilization diet consisting of three balanced meals daily, which the patient must observe for the rest of their life (Negi et al., 2022). The foods provided during the different phases contain a healthy, balanced diet with lower fats and carbohydrates. During this period, the patient must avoid alcoholic beverages and drink plenty of water. The meal phases help in patient recovery and well-being. Complications after Bariatric Surgery Complications may arise following bariatric surgery, such as classified as short- and long-term complications. The short-term complications include infection, bleeding, blood clots, issues with the gastrointestinal system, and lung or breathing problems (Mayo Clinic, 2023). The long-term complications are dumping syndrome, malnutrition, hernias, low blood sugar, bowel obstruction, gallstones, ulcers, vomiting, acid reflux, and repeat surgery. EJ may experience some of the complications after the surgery. Dumping Syndrome and Interventions to Prevent Its Development Dumping Syndrome is a complication that may occur after Gastric Bypass Surgery, whereby the stomach fails to process some food effectively. According to Hui et al. (2023), it empties its contents into the small intestines too quickly. Some...
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