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Christian Perspective on Personal Health (Essay Sample)


Personal Philosophy of Health In 250–350 words, develop a personal philosophy of health. Write from a Christian perspective, citing appropriate Bible verses to support your major premises. Address the frailties of the human condition in need of health and healing and the ultimate source of both from the Great Physician. Focus on disease prevention and health promotion as God’s ideal.


According to the Bible, it is the responsibility of human beings to take care of their bodies and health. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as an excellent physician who is concerned about the humanity’s spiritual condition and also concerned with the physical state. The medical occupations are one of the oldest professions (Astin, 1998). Physicians were part of the visible and influential people of the biblical times according to Leviticus 19:31. In the four gospel books, it is written that Jesus taught and healed many people. Health in the early church was an exhortation to God the Romans were subjected to illnesses and ailments that affect human beings today, and their medical care was inferior (Watson, 2004).
There are varies Christian perspectives based on medical ethics, principles, depending on the differing customs. Christian believers are encouraged to make their personal ethical decisions. The most fundamental requirement is based on the core beliefs on the nature of teachings on healthcare. According to Romans 12:1, Christians have the responsibility of ensuring that they live in a health way, and their bodies are free from infections (Astin, 1998). This can be achieved through proper feeding habits and regular exercise to provide for body fitness.
There are biblical truths and promises related to better healthcare. According to 1st Timothy 4:7 it encourages Christians to spent their time and energy in exercises so as to achieve body fitness. It states that physical activity has a high value hence it is important. The Bible encourages Christians to live at peace as stress can significantly affect human health this is according to Proverbs 14:30 which states that peaceful hearts results to a healthy bodies and stress or jealousy act like cancer to the bones. The Bible calls for unity and concern for the unhealthy. The principle concern of nursing is encouraging health care needs of communities and people(Watson, 2004). Advocacy operates through providing care for clients and the suffering directly and coordinating care between soon. The Bible calls for taking care for the environment so as to ensure health because polluting the environment can result to unhealthiness. It is believed that Christian nurses are significantly led by the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the consequences of the sin enables one to live a healthy life. Some acts such as sexual activities may lead to certain disease such as HIV/AIDS. Such actions with the result in a broken health and the whole body become sick as in Psalms 119: 3-8. Due to such behavior, many are a quilt and their wounds are sticks to their sins and evil deeds. Any person should take responsibility for his or her life by avoiding acts that are likely to result in a sad life that has painful end due to illness (Astin, 1998). People who suffer from a terminal disease such as AIDS due to their irresponsible behavior live a life filled with grief, raging fever and a broken heart as results of their sins according to the Psalms 38:3-8. The finally dies in exhausted and completely crushed states and avoiding behavior that are like to result to such should be prevented by every person (Watson, 2004).
Stress has over the recent years become a major threat to healthy human living. Every individual has an obligation to choice to live stress-free life since stress bear on single down as per Psalms 119:143. Living as per one's standards helps one to reduce the possibility of experiencing stressful life (Watson, 2004). Philippians 4:6-7, advice individual to avoid anxious f...
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