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COVID Solidarity: How to Reach Global Immunization/Vaccination? (Essay Sample)


COVID solidarity: how to reach global immunization/vaccination?
Write a dilemma about “COVID solidarity: how to reach global immunization/vaccination?” Our course is about international contemporary issues. The professor also asked to focus on the fact that there is intellectual property on the vaccines and they are patented.
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COVID Solidarity: How to Reach Global Immunization/Vaccination?
Global vaccination is vital in ensuring eradication of the pandemic and therefore, COVID solidarity, spearheaded by governments and economies, has realized vaccination of a vast majority of people. Yet in practice, the vaccination is only happening in wealthier countries or for wealthy people in low-income countries. COVAX (Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access), a universal solidarity instrument, has been at the forefront in ensuring that vaccines are accessible to low income countries at no cost, targeting vaccination of at least 27% of these countries’ population (Billette, Versaevel and Dequiedt, 2021). Despite numerous efforts by COVAX, the drift of vaccine inequality between the haves and the have-nots is continuously growing as noted by lack of vaccines in low income countries and the same is only accessible to wealthier countries or wealthy people in low income countries due to politicization of vaccination where the vaccine is sold to the highest bidder.
Introduction of travel bans by nations sequestered people thus preventing the spread while vaccinating them in order to contain the virus. This move, aimed at realizing maximum vaccination, was seen to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Yet, it did hinder supply of vaccines thus aiding spread of new variants since “no one is safe till everyone is vaccinated” owing to the fact that we live in a global community (Olatunbosun, 2021). Locked away nations lacked vaccines access thus, the virus continued to spread, replicate and mutate all over the world, creating new waves as it traveled across borders in unvaccinated “hosts”. Group protection stopped being regarded as credible following the world’s loss of regulating the virus owing to inadequacy and inefficiency in international management and agreement on a scientifically founded answer.
The need for more vaccines to reach global immunization has led people and governments to champion for vaccines intellectual property and patent wavering to allow room for collective production by both parent companies and third party companies (Barroso, 2021). Vaccine creation involves a series of complex biological components and checks which require knowledge and not a patent and therefore intellectual property sharing is not enough for collaborative producti

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