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Genetic Testing in Chronic Pain Patients (Essay Sample)


The sample is about genetic testing in chronic pain patients. It highlights the benefits and shortcomings of recent pain management approaches in patient care. for example, opioids are a significant contribution to pain management, but they have possible detrimental impacts like addiction. The paper, therefore, intends to introduce the idea of genetic testing for physicians to understand the underlying risks that could limit opioids use for specific patients.


Genetic Testing in Chronic Pain Patients
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Genetic Testing in Chronic Pain Patients
Pain has always been a constant companion for humanity. Over time, the need to manage pain led to the discovery of opioids to interrupt and shut off the brain's pain signals. However, the ingenious discovery brought about unprecedented challenges and ethical concerns, with most physicians worrying about the risk of opioid abuse and addiction. The administration of opioids for pain relief also introduced a continuum of clinical responses among patients from tolerance and physical dependence to addiction. Using genetic testing, physicians can understand and predict the varying clinical responses among opioid users for effective pain management.
Genetic testing will help determine and predict better analgesic responses. According to Kumar et al. (2019), genetic influences explain 30-76% of all variances in pain behavior. The researchers further highlight that genetic mutation of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies influences sensitivity, expression, and pain perception. A genetic basis also underlies how 

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