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Health Issues On School-Aged Children Research Assignment (Essay Sample)
Research children's health issues, focusing on environmental factors and links to poverty. The assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death. What correlations did your research show between environmental and health issues in the school-aged child? Make sure to include references to the article(s) you consulted.
APA, 2 references, no cover page.
Health Issues School-Aged Children
The environment affects children differently; children are at a higher risk if they are if exposed to environmental contamination. Environmental factors can either be physical or social factors that influence children health. Physical factors influence children’s health by exposing them to external conditions such as chemicals, biological agents and physical influences if children take them into the body. Children are more prone to air pollutants that affect the organs of respiration by causing irritation and coughing. Chemicals in water include such metals as lead, mercury and food contaminants categorized as either pathogenic or toxic.
According to Fitzpatrick et al (2006), social factors are interactions with and influences of other people. Social factors that influence the health of school-age children are family influences, family demography and community demography. Children that are born and raised in families that have basic financial stability have a high level of general health and well-being compared to those brought up in abject poverty Kyle (2008). Poverty creates an imbalance which that affects access to health care of children.
The correlation between environmental and health issues are that the environment is a major source of infections to school-aged children because of the chemicals and biological influences. The ...
The environment affects children differently; children are at a higher risk if they are if exposed to environmental contamination. Environmental factors can either be physical or social factors that influence children health. Physical factors influence children’s health by exposing them to external conditions such as chemicals, biological agents and physical influences if children take them into the body. Children are more prone to air pollutants that affect the organs of respiration by causing irritation and coughing. Chemicals in water include such metals as lead, mercury and food contaminants categorized as either pathogenic or toxic.
According to Fitzpatrick et al (2006), social factors are interactions with and influences of other people. Social factors that influence the health of school-age children are family influences, family demography and community demography. Children that are born and raised in families that have basic financial stability have a high level of general health and well-being compared to those brought up in abject poverty Kyle (2008). Poverty creates an imbalance which that affects access to health care of children.
The correlation between environmental and health issues are that the environment is a major source of infections to school-aged children because of the chemicals and biological influences. The ...
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