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Health Literacy in The Elderly Population (Essay Sample)

Pages: 4 pages (~1100 words) Double spaced Type of paper: Essay (any type) Graduate Discipline: Nursing Title: See paper instructions Sources to be cited: 4 Paper format: Other: See paper instructions Paper level: Basic paper Language choice: Regular English Paper instructions: Part I (Paper): Write a 4-5 paragraph narrative describing aspects of your selected clinical problem (see below for specific aspects that should be addressed): TOPIC CHOICE/CLINICAL PROBLEM: HEALTH LITERACY OF THE ELDERLY POPULATION In the paper, INTRODUCE 2 ways to help improve health literacy amongst the aging population and 2 ways health care personnel can contribute to the improvement of health literacy In the paper: address each of the following according to HEALTH LITERACY IN THE ELDERLY POPULATION 1. Assessment of needs of Health literacy in the elderly population (QSEN: patient-centered care) 2. Current evidence-based literature/practice on health literacy in aging population (QSEN: EBP) 3. State and/or national initiatives and stakeholders on Health Literacy in the aging population (QSEN: teamwork and collaboration, QI) 4. Connection to graduate level QSEN competencies 5. Relevant population health/contextual factors of health literacy in the elderly population (QSEN: patient-centered care) 6. How can Health Literacy in elderly population involve an interdisciplinary team (QSEN: teamwork and collaboration, QI, Safety) 7. Any relevant technology strategies in the delivery of patient care (QSEN: informatics) 8. Proposed plan of continuing evaluation of health literacy in elderly population Format: APA format with title page and references. include multiple references/articles source..
Health Literacy in The Elderly PopulationStudent's NameInstitutional AffiliationCourseProfessor's NameDate Health Literacy in The Elderly Population Increasing health literacy among the elderly is essential to fostering efficient healthcare administration and enhancing results. People frequently have more health issues as they get older, necessitating a thorough comprehension of complicated medical facts (Li, Wang, & Zhou, 2024). However, a lack of education, cognitive decline, and sensory impairments cause many seniors to struggle with health literacy (Aljassim & Ostini, 2020). Such factors can lead to medication mistakes, poor health decisions, and increased hospitalization rates (Oh et al., 2021). Elderly' health literacy needs to be addressed through specialized education, approachable communication, and interdisciplinary teams to help senior citizens efficiently navigate the healthcare system, comprehend their problems, and adhere to treatment programs. Because chronic diseases are common and the healthcare system is complicated, health literacy is essential for the aged population in the United States. The inability of many elders to comprehend medical information can harm their health (Nutbeam & Lloyd, 2021). This problem is worsened by reduced computer literacy, sensory impairments, and cognitive decline. Enhancing health literacy in older adults entails streamlining communication, delivering needs-specific education, and expanding access to services that can offer support (Roodbeen et al., 2020). Improving health literacy allows elderly populations to follow treatment programs, make educated decisions, and be healthier overall. Evidence from the literature indicates a high rate of health illiteracy exists among the aging population in the US. For instance, according to the CDC (2020), 71% of older adults aged 60 and over have difficulty using print materials, 80% have difficulty using documents such as charts, and 68% cannot interpret numbers and simple calculations. Furthermore, according to Aljassim and Ostini (2020), only 3% of adults aged 65 years or older have proficient health literacy skills, and 29% possess below-basic skills. Low health literacy among older adults can increase the risk of poor health outcomes. Therefore, improving communication quality between the healthcare providers and the older adults is critical. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are national and state organizations working to increase health literacy among the aging population. Simplified health information and patient-centered care are promoted in the HHS's National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy (Nutbeam & Lloyd, 2021). The CDC supports programs targeting older persons, such as the Health Literacy Research Network. Healthcare providers, senior advocacy groups such as AARP, and community organizations are examples of stakeholders (Oh et al., 2021). These initiatives aim to arm seniors with the information they need to successfully navigate the healthcare system and make wise health decisions. Programs for elderly health literacy emphasizing patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, and safety align with graduate-level Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) standards. Effective communication techniques, cultural sensitivity, and patient education are highlighted in these programs since they are essential components of QSEN's patient-centered care competency (AACN, 2012). These initiatives complement QSEN's emphasis on incorporating contemporary best practices by utilizing evidence-based techniques to improve understanding among senior patients (Roodbeen et al., 2020). Enhancing health literacy also lowers hospital readmissions and pharmaceutical errors, directly supporting QSEN's safety competencies. These components are included in graduate nursing education to equip nurses to effectively handle the special demands of the aging population. Social class, educational background, and availability of healthcare services are population health and contextual factors that majorly impact health literacy in the senior population. The health literacy of older persons from low-income families or with little formal education is frequently poorer (Schillinger, 2020). Diversity in language and culture can also affect understanding and communication with healthcare professionals. Geographical location influences access to health services and information, especially in rural areas (Aljassim & Ostini, 2020). Elderly people face additional challenges due to cognitive decline, sensory impairments, and the growing complexity of medical information (Nutbeam & Lloyd, 2021). Seniors' ability to properly manage their health can be enhanced, and health outcomes can be improved by addressing these issues through tailored interventions. An interdisciplinary team approach significantly positively impacts enhancing health literacy in the senior population. Comprehensive support is ensured by involving social workers, pharmacists, health educators, and healthcare providers (Roodbeen et al., 2020). Doctors and nurses can provide concise, understandable descriptions of medical diseases and treatments. Social workers can help with cultural and socioeconomic barriers, and pharmacists make sure prescription instructions are properly understood and followed. Customized educational programs can be created and delivered by health educators (Schillinger, 2020). When these professionals work together, a more comprehensive approach is fostered, which addresses the many needs of senior patients and guarantees that they receive consistent, easily accessible, and intelligible health information for all areas of their care. Considerable technological approaches for providing patient care to senior citizens encompass telemedicine, mobile applications for health, and easily navigable online platforms. By offering remote consultations, telemedicine lowers travel-related obstacles and broadens access to healthcare. Self-management is encouraged via mobile health apps that provide fast access to medical records, health tracking, and medication reminders (Arcury et al., 2020). Easy-to-use digital platforms featuring larger text, straightforward interfaces, and voice commands improve accessibility for elderly individuals with cognitive or visual impairments (Oh et al., 2022). Furthermore, wearable medical technology monitors vital indicators and notifies caretakers of possible problems (Arcury et al., 2020). These technologies have the potential to greatly enhance the health and quality of life of the elderly when paired with appropriate training and assistance. A suggested strategy for the ongoing assessment of health literacy in the elderly population calls for conducting routine evaluations with standardized instruments such as the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) and gathering information via surveys and interviews to pinpoint areas in need of development (Palumbo et al., 2021). Consistent quality of service is ensured by providing healthcare providers with ongoing training on effective communication techniques (Oh et al., 2021). By implementing feedback mechanisms, changes can be made in response to patient experiences. Also, working with interdisciplinary teams guarantees thorough review from several angles (Palumbo et al., 2021). Furthermore, measuring advancement over time is made possible by integrating health literacy criteria into electronic health records (EHR). This ongoing assessment encourages adaptable approaches to address the changing requirements of senior citizens. A multi...
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