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Impact of Sociological Defects to People's Mental Health (Essay Sample)


it is a reflection for a social worker


Reflection for a Social Worker Course
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Atlanta Shooting
The Atlanta shooting is a continued impact of sociological defects that people have shown in the recent past. Despite fighting for equity and respect for all people in America, a sect of people is still pushing the logs of classism. We have witnessed many scenarios in which killing is quite motivated to eliminate one race or ethnic group. According to Atlanta's authority, they do not know whether the killings were based on race or ethnicity. However, the reports are clear; the victims are women, not just women but of Asian descent (Fausset & Vigor, 2021). Why would they target a specific group? I believe everyone ought to be objective, and it is vital to deal with things as they come. For example, the aspect of judicial killings of them is due to racism.

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