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Impacts of Radiation on the Circulatory System (Essay Sample)

the writer should write about the impacts of radiation on the circulatory system. the writer chose the thesis "The effects of radiation cause severe complications to the circulatory system and its functioning, so understanding how people get exposed and how the exposure manifests in the body is essential to close the existing research gaps". source..
Impacts of Radiation on the Circulatory System Alaa Mujahid Impacts of Radiation on the Circulatory System People get exposed to radiation under different circumstances, like treatment using radiation therapy or accidental exposure due to an occupational hazard or during accidents. Radiation therapy is a common route of exposure, as it is a form of treatment for cancer that has been in use for a long time in combination with other forms of disease management like surgery, administration of medication, or chemotherapy (Alam et al., 2018). Also, people get exposed to low-linear energy transfer radiation like photons used in X-rays during the diagnosis of diseases. Some people also get exposed to radiation during nuclear accidents or planned bombings. Radiation exposure occurs in different doses, but it bears significant impacts on the circulatory system, impacting the general well-being of affected individuals. The effects of radiation cause severe complications to the circulatory system and its functioning, so understanding how people get exposed and how the exposure manifests in the body is essential to close the existing research gaps. Current State of Knowledge Exposure to Radiation  People get exposed to ionizing radiation in different doses depending on their modes of exposure, impacting the circulatory system. Radiation affects the circulatory system through radiotherapy to the heart and adjacent organs or tissues. Radiotherapy doses used to be higher in previous years as they reached and exceeded 40 Gy for treating cancer, but currently, the doses are lower for individuals treated for nonmalignant disease (Little et al., 2023). Radiation also affects the circulatory system through accidental exposure. Studies involving the Japanese atomic bomb survivors reveal an increased risk of cardiovascular disease even for individuals exposed to radiation in lower doses of less than 5 Gy. Therefore, individuals exposed to different radiation doses could develop circulatory problems with time (Little et al., 2023). Radiation exposure occurs in varying doses eventually affecting the circulatory system. Impacts of Radiation on the Circulatory System Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Radiation-induced CAD is the most frequent manifestation of toxic emissions reaching the circulatory system. Radiation results in the development of free radicals that can trigger molecular damage and tissue malfunction occur as the cells lose the ability to repair themselves efficiently (Ellahham et al., 2022). It damages the endothelial lining in the coronaries, triggering a pro-inflammatory condition that harms the blood vessels due to oxidative stress, production of reactive oxygen species, and cytokine circulation (Tapio et al., 2021). The inflammatory cascade causes vessel walls to rupture, platelet clumping, thrombosis, and substitution of the impaired coronary intima cells with myofibroblasts (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). The changes in the system advance vessel stenosis and atherosclerosis development, causing CAD even in young individuals (Liu & Zhou, 2022). CAD occurs due to changes in the circulatory system, which impact the integrity and functioning of the tissues, cells, and vessels. Valvular Disease Radiation exposure to the circulatory system also causes valvular disease. Thoracic radiation increases the risk of valvulopathy, which varies with exposure to radiation beams. It causes the valve cusps and leaflets to experience fibrotic transformations and thickening that may also display calcification (Ellahham et al., 2022). Mediastinal radiation impacts the left-sided valves, and the changes elevate the systemic circulation pressure, damaging the already fragile vessels (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). The aortic valve has a high risk of developing subsequent problems due to its closeness to the radiation field. Also, tricuspid and mitral pathology could occur, but the mitral valve commissures and leaflet tips display no impacts from radiation (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). Some studies suggest increased morbidity and mortality in childhood cancer survivors and organ dosimetry from radiation therapy (Tapio et al., 2021). Other studies reveal that the valves of patients who previously had lymphoma exhibit reduced density, significant collagen content, and fewer calcified tissues due to the high radiation doses received by patients at a young age (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). Radiation impacts the valves in the circulatory system, affecting their structure and functioning.        Cardiomyopathy Radiation affects the heart muscles, causing cardiomyopathy that could result in severe health outcomes. Exposure to radiation causes fibrosis of the epicardium and myocardium, impacting their functioning (Ellahham et al., 2022). The resulting endothelial injury causes the capillaries to narrow, decreasing the ratio of operational blood vessels to myocytes, and eventually causing myocardial cell death. The inflammatory cells and cytokines encourage the generation of significant amounts of collagen due to the differentiation of smooth muscle cells into myofibroblasts (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). Radiation primarily instigates restrictive cardiomyopathy as the myocardium stiffens due to collagen and fibrous tissue formation. Cardiomyopathy causes diminished left ventricular ejection fraction leading to a high risk of mortality due to arrhythmias and progressive heart failure in patients exposed to radiotherapy (Liu & Zhou, 2022). Radiation exposure affects the cardiac muscles, impacting the normal functioning of the heart, and could also result in increased mortality.    Pericardial Disease Radiation can result in the development of a broad range of pericardial diseases with varying clinical presentations. High doses of radiation in Hodgkin’s lymphoma result in the inflammation of the pericardium causing acute pericarditis (Ellahham et al., 2022). Long-term exposure causes pericardial fibrosis as collagen and fibrin to replace the adipose tissue of the heart (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). Also, there is a high likelihood of having compromised venous drainage and amassing of fibrinous exudate in the pericardial cavity, causing pericardial effusion. Also, individuals exposed to radiation may later display thickening, stiffening, and calcification of the pericardium as a long-term effect, resulting in constrictive pericarditis (Belzile-Dugas & Eisenberg, 2021). Exposure to radiation affects the flexibility of the pericardium, affecting its functioning. Areas of Future Research There is still a significant research gap involving the impacts of radiation on the circulatory system, despite the advancements made in recent years. Modern advances regarding cancer treatment have increased recognition of the harm radiotherapy causes to the circulatory system (Liu & Zhou, 2022). Further advances in radiation therapy technology should aim at reducing the radiation dosage to the heart and the surrounding substructures (Liu & Zhou, 2022). Medical imaging technology and automatic analysis will be valuable in the assessment of advancing illnesses in the circulatory system to improve detection (Tapio et al., 2021). Also, research should aim at improving the prompt involvement of cardiac oncologists in caring for individuals undergoing radiation therapy to speed the discovery and mediation of pre-existing risks to the circulatory system (Liu & Zhou, 2022). The associated risks in radiotherapy reveal the need for more comprehensive research to increase the health outcomes of cancer survivors. The impacts of radiation-induced impacts on the circulatory system reveal the overlapping nature of the problem and the need to expand research across the various involved spheres. Genetic research is necessary as genomic analysis could facilitate identifying individuals at a high risk of radiation-induced heart disease. Further research will increase identifying cardiovascular toxicity biomarkers for prompt detection of radiation exposure and treatment (Liu & Zhou,...
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