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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment in healthcare (Essay Sample)

Multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment in healthcare Minority, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been known to face more challenges accessing quality healthcare. In this Assignment, you will explore how a systems approach to coordinating care can help meet the needs of these populations. Choose a minority, marginalized, or vulnerable population. Describe at least three challenges they face with accessing and moving through the healthcare system (uninsured, underinsured, low literacy, language barrier, etc.). Discuss how a systems approach to proper care coordination would positively impact the challenges you identified. Demonstrates how the systems approach would positively impact the challenges you identified. Describe how this approach will meet the patients’ needs, priorities, and expectations. How can raising the standard of care for underserved populations affect the health care system as a whole? source..
Minority Groups and Access to Quality Healthcare Name Academic Institution Class Professor Date Minority Groups and Access to Quality Healthcare Minority and marginalized groups face many challenges in accessing healthcare in the US. Sometimes they receive medical services, but the care varies from what other groups receive. Reasons for the disparities in healthcare accessibility vary because of the issue's complexity. However, geographical variability, patient differences, and other factors contribute to such disparity. In this work, a critical consideration is made to the challenges immigrants and refugees face accessing healthcare. Due to the complexity of the topic, the paper will focus on language barriers, low literacy, and cultural beliefs as contributors to the challenges faced by immigrants and refugees accessing quality healthcare. Language barriers significantly hinder immigrants and refugees from accessing quality healthcare (Wylie et al., 2018). The healthcare system often relies on effective communication between patients and healthcare providers. However, with low English proficiency, patients may be misdiagnosed and subsequently get inappropriate prescriptions. Unfortunately, this can result in reduced patient safety. Worse, patients may develop complications due to the use of inappropriate drugs and failure to address their underlying issues on time. The literacy barrier is also a significant contributor to the difficulties exhibited by immigrants and refugees seeking healthcare services (Shommu et al., 2016). With low literacy, marginalized groups cannot obtain, process, and understand health information appropriately. Ultimately, they may need help navigating the healthcare system, hindering their ability to get needed medical care on time. Low literacy is also associated with difficulties reading and interpreting medical information (Valdez, 2023). Thus, illiterate immigrants and refugees may need help to make appropriate healthcare decisions. Cultural norms are also a significant factor in the challenges that prevent access to quality healthcare for immigrants and refugees (Wylie et al., 2018). Providers may have little or no knowledge about sensitive issues for people from different backgrounds. Similarly, some patients have cultural beliefs that prevent them from using modern medicines. As such, they may exhibit reluctance to seek medical care. Ultimately, the behavior may subject them to risks such as the development of complications. Worse, failure to get appropriate care may subject the patients to the risk of dying. Even so, implementing a systems approach can help address the issues. Regarding the language barrier, professional interpreters can help address the problem. Employing bilingual providers can also help improve immigrants' and refugees' access to quality healthcare. By contrast, community navigators may help address the issue of low literacy. The outcome of these initiatives is bridging the communication gap between providers, immigrants, and refugees. For instance, navigators help link patients and medical care providers to reduce accessibility issues (Shommu et al., 2016). Additionally, professional interpreters and bilingual providers will help improve interactions and understanding between healthcare officers and patients. Regarding cultural beliefs, the healthcare system can train providers on cultural competence while handling patients from different regions. Competence training improves cultural sensitivity in care delivery (Yu et al., 2017). Ultimately, the healthcare system will achieve tailoring based on individual needs and interests. Subsequently, immigrants and refugees will easily navigate and access healthcare services. On the other hand, raising the standard of care for underserved populations can significantly improve the general healthcare system. First, it will improve the g...
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