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4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Are There New Measures for Solving The Shortage of Nursing Staff Problem in The U.S? (Essay Sample)


Paper details
Gathering Evidence and Final Case Study:
As more and more information becomes available about environmental sciences, it becomes increasingly important for you to learn how to be an informed consumer of that information. How do you know what to believe? How can you tell scientifically-based information from advertisements or opinions? Evaluating information and assessing multiple lines of evidence to answer a question are two skills we would like everyone in the class to develop. Here’s how we’ll do it:
As the course progresses, choose a topic that interests you. It doesn’t have to be exactly covered in class, but related. For example, perhaps in reading about issues of over-population in developing countries, you become interested in the lack of clean drinking water in Mexico. There’s your topic. Now, ask a question that you can research related to that topic. For example, “Are there new technologies that can help clean the drinking water problems identified in Mexico?”
Find four sources of information about that topic.
Three of those sources should be good sources of scientific information by your assessment.
One of those sources should be a bad source of scientific information – this means that by your assessment, the source is biased or for some other reason does not pass muster as a good source of scientific information (for example, the source fails the CRAAP test). The information in the source doesn’t need to be incorrect, but the source simply one that you don’t think is a good place to find reliable scientific information.
An information source can be a scientific article, a Web page, a government report, a student’s thesis, a magazine article, a news story…each has its own perspective, standards, and format.
Of your good sources of scientific information, only one information source can be a Web page or a news story/magazine article.
The remaining good sources of scientific information should be scholarly – scientific journal articles or reports will be most common. All three of your good sources can be scholarly articles if you’d like – but at least two must be scholarly.
The bad source of scientific information will likely be from a commercial website, blog, or news/magazine article, but doesn’t have to be necessary.
Refer to the library guide presented in class for help with finding sources.
If you need help finding information sources, Fogler Library staff are there to help!
For your Gathering Evidence assignment (due March 16, 2021, at 11:59pm on Brightspace: must be an attached Word document or pdf, no exceptions), you will provide the following:
Your list of four sources in a citation format (e.g., APA, Chicago, or MLA is fine, just make sure it’s consistent). For example:
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Resisting the assault on science: the case for evidence-based reasoning in educational research. Educational Researcher, 30(7), 29.
For help with citations, refer to the library guide introduced in class.
For two of your sources (one good source and your one bad source), answer the questions below with 2-4 sentences each.
Who was the author (not just their name – what can you tell about the person/people who created the source?)
Do the authors seem like credible sources of scientific information? Why or why not?
What is the source about? What’s the main take-home message of this source, in one sentence?
Does the source primarily report fact? Opinion? A mixture?
When was the source created?
Is it reporting events/observations from a long time ago or from just recently?
Why was this source created? Who is the intended audience?
What is the information source led you to your conclusions about its intended purpose and audience?
For the Final Case Study Paper (due April 27, 2021, at 11:59pm on Brightspace: must be an attached Word document or pdf, no exceptions):
Use your source list to write a short paper (about one page of text, not including references; the entire document should be less than 1000 words) on your topic. This is not an opinion paper – it is a mini-research paper.
Put your topic/research question at the top of your paper.
You do not need to use all of your sources in your paper, but you must use at least three sources of information that by your assessment are reliable and credible. You are welcome to discuss your bad source if it provides insight into the research question. You are also welcome to use more good sources of scientific information if you think it is necessary.
The main goal of your case study is to answer the research question you proposed!
In our example, “Are there new technologies that can help clean the drinking water problems identified in Mexico?” you would discuss the specific problems with drinking water that you read about, and then discuss the solutions you found in the sources you located.
Perhaps one source was a report by a water filtering company, that was clearly focused on selling their filters – discuss whether the other evidence you found suggests that their filters might be a useful solution or not. Does the weight of evidence support this as a solution? If you can’t tell, why not? What other evidence would you need?
If there were any graphs, tables, or other data in the source(s), how important were they? How did they help you understand the topic?
In the conclusion of your paper, discuss what you learned about consulting several different types of sources of information. What will you look for in the future to help determine if something is a reliable source? What are some ‘red flags’ that tell you something should be questioned?
How will this be graded?
Show that you have read and thought about all the information sources you listed.
Clearly articulate a research topic and question, and provide a written narrative describing the evidence that addresses that question. Use the sources you found as a basis for the discussion, not personal opinion.
Be typed and submitted via Blackboard, approximately 1–1.5 pages in length, with no grammar or spelling errors.
Have a reference list that includes the four sources you used, in a consistent format of your choosing (APA, Chicago, or MLA) and following the guidelines outlined above (at least two sources are scholarly, etc.)
please follow appropriately


Are There New Measures for Solving The Shortage of Nursing Staff Problem in The U.S.
(Author’s Name)
(Professor’s Name)
Are There New Measures for Solving The Shortage of Nursing Staff Problem in The U.S.
Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020). Nursing Shortage. StatPearls [Internet].
Lisa M. Haddad, Pavan Annamaraju, and Tammy J. Toney-Butler are the authors of the Nursing Shortage journal, published in 2020. The authors published the article to inform readers and researchers on the cause of the nursing shortage in the United States. The authors are credible sources of information because they use reliable medical sources like the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data to enlighten their audience on the estimated number of nurses required annually in 2016. The journal is intended for health and general researchers seeking knowledge on the cause of the existing gap in the nursing sector in the United States.
Haddad et al.’s (2020) journal is about the cause of nursing shortage in the United States and the interventions that can be applied to solve the problem. The authors claim that the nursing industry experiences faster growth, increasing nurses' demand by 15% annually. The authors argue that the rapid rise in the need for nursing staff fails to match the employment pace due to inequitable workers distribution, lack of potential mentors, and high turnover. Besides, Haddad et al. also argue that shortage of nursing staff leads to burnout of existing staff leading to less satisfaction in the nursing job.
Haddad et al.'s work aim to offer understanding and solutions to the nursing shortage in the U.S. The authors suggest adopting technology in learning centers to improve nursing skills and help them keep abreast with technical skills. Haddad suggests that earlier adoption will enhance nurses' knowledge, filling the gap in the healthcare sector. The authors also suggest empowering existing nursing staff to improve their work morale, thus retaining their skills.
Choi, S. L., Goh, C. F., Adam, M. B., & Tan, O. K. (2016). Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of employee empowerment. Human Resources for Health, 14(1).
Sang Long Choi, Chin Fei Goh, Muhammad Badrull Hisyam Adam & Owee Kowang Tan are the authors of Transformational leadership, empowerment, and job satisfaction: The mediating role of employee empowerment journal published in 2016. The authors used primary and secondary research methods to gather information regarding the cause of nursing shortage in healthcare. Choi et al. focused their study on Malaysia. In their journal, the authors claim that the causes of nursing shortage are similar across nations worldwide; hence identical solutions can be applied by healthcare policymakers to solve the concern. The authors created the article for health researchers, the Health Ministry of Malaysia, and general readers interested in understanding how nursing leadership can help solve personnel shortage. The study also targets healthcare policymakers as it offers insights on approaches that would ensure job satisfaction among nursing staff.

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