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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Teaching Session (Essay Sample)


Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Teaching Session
health promotion and disease prevention teaching session applicable to a specific NYC population. Pretend that you will be educating community clients-content and teaching strategies must apply to their level of education and community characteristics. Please use the following headings:
A. Target population and at-risk diagnosis
B. Topic and rationale for selection
C. Learning objectives
D. Teaching methods and materials
E. Methods of evaluation
Dear writer can the NYC community be Jamaica, Queens, please. you can use as many sources as you like. Thank you.


Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Teaching Session
Student's Name
Department Affiliation, University Affiliation
Course Number: Course Name
Instructor's Name
Assignment Due Date
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Teaching Session
Target Population and At-Risk Diagnosis
The targeted population will be breastfeeding mothers in Jamaica, Queens, NYC community.
Topic and Rationale for Selection
Breastfeeding boosts the child's immunity and reduces the risk of death from infectious diseases within the first two years. It also lowers the chances of developing childhood obesity, ovarian and breast cancer risk, and type 2 diabetes among mothers. However, people in the region do not practice exclusive breastfeeding properly (Caines & Henry, 2017). The issue brings out the need to educate mothers on the importance of effective breastfeeding, at least for the first six months. The topic is necessary since it affects the health of many people and influences the development of diseases that can be easily prevented.
Learning Objectives
Health promotion and disease prevention teaching session is meant to educate women in the community about breastfeeding their babies. It will ensure that mothers understand that breast milk promotes the health of their young ones by supplying the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. It offers protection against ailments and allergies and promotes digestion. Moreover, it promotes healthy weights, growth, and development of babies (Anstey et al., 2017). Mothers benefit in many ways when breastfeeding exclusively since they gain a strong bond with their children and improve their weight management.
The session will ensure that mothers understand the dangers of failing to breastfeed their children appropriately. The awareness will play a role in improving the rate of exclusive breastfeeding and, subsequently, reducing the need for health services (Ghaffari et al., 2017). Since it is sometimes difficult for a mother to remain with the baby every day for the first six months, mothers would be educated on how to extract milk from the breast to be consumed later.
Teaching Methods and Materials
The teaching method to be used is health talk since it effectively delivers important information. It is a natural means of communicating and educating the group after the delivery and during their pre- and post-natal clinics. Small gatherings of about 5 to 10 people will be an appropriate number per session to ensure the effectiveness of the process. The small number of mothers will ensure that everyone is fully engaged. Moreover, it will be easier to evaluate the understanding of every mother and give room for asking questions.
Visual aids, including audiovisual material and posters, will support the education. Including local stories and proverbs with positive health, the message can influence the program's success (Odar Stough et al., 2019). The approach can also be combined with a lecture and discussion while illustrating important aspects. It is necessary to prepare the talk properly by listing all the necessary points to enhance clarity and ensure that nothing is left out during the educational session. Adequate time should be allocated to give room for visual aids, asking questions, and discussions.
Methods of Evaluation
The effectiveness of the educational session can be evaluated by asking questions at the end. Response from each participant would reveal how well the topic is understood an

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