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The Treatment Of Mental Disorder (Essay Sample)


The Treatment Of Mental Disorder. Mental disorder or mental illness is the alteration of an individual’s mental, emotional and cognition and most of the time it is accompanied by impairment and distress in core areas of human functioning. Mental disorders are caused by several factors such as, the family genes, experiences in this case traumatizing experiences, chemical imbalance and finally a traumatic brain injury . In this assignment i was tasked with finding out how doctors assess mental ilness and the various methods they use to treat mental disorder


The Treatment Of Mental Disorder
Mental disorder or mental illness is the alteration of an individual’s mental, emotional and cognition and most of the time it is accompanied by impairment and distress in core areas of human functioning. Mental disorders are caused by several factors such as, the family genes, experiences in this case traumatizing experiences, chemical imbalance and finally a traumatic brain injury(Cockerham,2020, pg 12).
There are seven different types of mental disorders, mood disorder, anxiety disorder, psychotic disorder, eating disorder, dementia, personality disorder and autism. Mental disorder or mental illness has the following signs and symptoms, extreme paranoia, prolonged sadness, excessive changes in moods, social withdrawal and finally sadden change in sleeping and eating pattern.
Mental health assessment is conducted by a doctor or a professional to check if a person may have developed mental illness. Assessment can be conducted in form of physical exams which best used to check for thyroid disorder. It can also be conducted in the lab by run lab tests on an individual. In this case, the doctor may ask an individual to collect a sample of urine. Brain scan may also be used to assess an individual.
Mental evaluation is another common method that doctors use to assess mental disorder as well as cognitive evaluation. Once t

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