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Theory and Education (Essay Sample)

Complete a library search for a peer-reviewed journal article that integrates theory with a nursing education topic. Present the article and discuss the theory used and the benefits of utilizing theory in nursing education Discuss how nurse educators can use Adult Learning Theory principles to guide teaching practices and curriculum development. Attach a copy of the article to this discussion forum. Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position. Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format. source..
Theory and Education Student's Name Institution Course Professor Date Theory and Education Jean Watson's theory of human caring explores both nursing and human paradigms. According to the theory, humans cannot be healed as if they were objects that need repairs. The theory's basic concepts include transpersonal caring connection, Caritas process, caring occasions, caring instances, and healing processes (Watson, 2002). Jean Watson's book's peer-reviewed journal was conducted by Edna Menke, a PhD holder at The Ohio State University. The Watson caring theory is significant in the practice of nursing. The theory enhances care providers to practice the art of caring. Notably, it helps nurses provide the best services to their patients. Care providers are encouraged to offer compassion to ease suffering to their patients and their families. Fundamentally, the theory supports their dignity and healing and contributes to expanding care providers' self-actualization (Watson, 2002). Therefore, the theory is beneficial to both nurses and their patients. The adult learning theory holds assumptions about how adults learn. The theory employs problem-based and collaborative approaches to learning (Dernova, 2015). Notably, instructors can utilize this theory because it emphasizes equality between the learner and the teacher. As such, nurse educators can use this theory's principles to guide teaching practices and curriculum development. Since adults are internally motivated and self-directed, nursing...
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