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Workforce Shortages in Healthcare (Essay Sample)

Discuss and describe national efforts to address workforce shortages in health care disciplines. Describe at a minimum one health care discipline that is critically short and efforts underway to mitigate. The book required for the assignment is called Hospitals and health systems: what they are and how they work. source..
Discussion 5 Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Date Introduction Health labor force is facing great shortages across different healthcare professions and it is affecting patient care provision and outcomes. Among others, nursing and mental health are the fields of expertise that play indispensable roles in health promotion, disease prevention, and patient care. This chapter points out the problems the healthcare sector face and the national action taken to address this shortage. The Nursing Shortage Nurses are the primary healthcare providers. These professional offer a wide range of services, but their profession is currently affected by a massive workforce shortage. This problem has the possibility of immensely impacting quality care delivery. The shortage is associated with several factors. To begin with, is the aging population, which comprises the largest consumers of health service. The shortage of faculty members and lack of space in the nursing education sector further prevents the recruitment of new nurses (McConnell, 2019). Furthermore, nurse burnout and professions-related issues result in a high rate of turnover. Initiations to Combat the Nursing Shortage To alleviate this deficit, national initiatives include extending education and improving working conditions. Non-nursing bachelor's degree holders may now join the sector faster through accelerated and graduate entrance programs. Graduate degrees like the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) are also encouraged for advanced practice and institutional positions (McConnell, 2019). Additionally, Scholarships, debt forgiveness, the patient protection and affordable care act (ACA) provide financial incentives to recruit nursing students and reduce school expenditures. Mental Health Professional Shortage Professionals in the genre of mental health, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers, endure this set of adversities. The number of mental healthcare services demanded has grown significantly due to the problem associated with societal stressors and people's awareness of the relevance of mental health (Robiner, 2006). The shortage of mental health professionals is connected with insufficient education programs, inadequate financing for mental health services, and mal-distribution of professionals in rural areas and among underserved societies. It is not just the stigma attached to mental health care, but also the reimbursement rates lower than the rates for physical health services that create the problem in recruiting new professionals. National Initiatives to Resolve the Crisis The attempt to eradicate the mental health dilemma includes improving funding for mental health services, enhancing the education of the professionals, and accessing technology using telehealth services. Measures like the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act are targeted towards insurers so that they can do more financial justice for mental health specialists. Integrated care models are also part of the design, where the mental health workers are placed within the primary healthcare to enhance care’s accessibili...
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