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Worksheet ( leadership and managment in nursing ) (Essay Sample)

This is a worksheet assignment in the nursing field. It is about leadership and management in nursing. Every employee needs to be evaluated on their contribution to the team and organizational goals to determine whether they add any value to the institution. In nursing, performance appraisal is conducted by nurse leaders to investigate the professional performance of individual nurses to improve organizational efficiency. source..
Module #5 Worksheet Effective Performance Appraisal Every employee needs to be evaluated on their contribution to the team and organizational goals to determine whether they add any value to the institution. In nursing, performance appraisal is conducted by nurse leaders to investigate the professional performance of individual nurses to improve organizational efficiency. During the Interview During an interview, interviewers must listen carefully, and interviewees must answer the questions correctly. Asking and answering questions creates an environment for the interviewer to understand the interviewees' skills and accomplishments. After the Interview After the interview, interviewers must thank the interviewees for attending the interview and promise to analyze the results fairly. This will improve the organization's reputation for professionalism and diversity, a critical aspect of nursing. Using the Performance Appraisal to Motivate Employees After appraising employees, they recognize their strengths, weaknesses, and potential to perform to the best of their ability. Performance appraisal in nursing motivates healthcare professionals by providing continuous support to healthcare professionals to achieve their goals. Leadership Skills and Management Functions in Conducting Performance Appraisals Organizational management is responsible for setting standards for employee performance. Consistent with the set performance appraisal standards, in nursing, evaluators are expected to prepare ahead of time, focus on progress, provide takeaways, and change orientation to ensure that every aspect of the appraisal is sufficiently addressed. Goal of performance appraisal The primary goal of performance appraisal is to measure and improve the performance of employees as well as increase their future potential. In nursing, the main goal of performance appraisal is to monitor the progress of healthcare professionals and enable them to provide patient-centered care, which adds value to the facility. Self-appraisals Self-appraisals occur when employees reflect on and assess their job performance over a certain period. For example, in nursing, healthcare professionals are expected to reflect regularly on their practice and identify weaknesses that they should improve. Signature on performance appraisal Employees should not be forced to sign their performance appraisal since the evaluators might be biased in writing the report. Therefore, nurse leaders must ensure that the evaluators are neutral to guarantee reliable and valid employee performance reports. Motivation of employees Employee motivation is the level of innovation, energy, and commitment an employee holds while working. In nursing, healthcare professionals must be highly motivated to accomplish more tasks and support and mentor their colleagues. Valid and relevant appraisal process for employees An appraisal process that assesses an employee's behavior regarding task requirements and job duties is valid and relevant. In nursing, employee appraisal must be conducted in adherence to the set operational and ethical standards for it to be valid and relevant. Feedback Feedback is any employee's information regarding their performance, skills, or ability to work within groups. Feedback is important in nursing since it enables nurse leaders to adopt effective measures to improve performance, such as motivating and inspiring healthcare professionals to achieve organizational goals. Fire Safety Organizations must have sufficient and correct fire-fighting equipment to safeguard employees from a fire outbreak. In addition, since healthcare facilities house patients diagnosed with different diseases, healthcare professionals need to be sufficiently trained on procedures they must follow in case of a fire outbreak. Safety of the client Organizations have different ways to guarantee their clients' safety, such as ensuring sufficient ventilation and installing effective lighting. In nursing, the safety of patients is guaranteed when healthcare professionals create a workplace safety culture. Disaster planning Disaster planning involves four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Healthcare professionals must ensure that patients are properly taken care of through diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Fair and Effective Rules Organizations make rules that govern and guide employees' actions and behaviors. Although making consistent rules in nursing might be impossible due to the increased number of healthcare professionals, nurse leaders should ensure that the set rules are fair and effective. Guide to Progressive Discipline Employees might fail to correct problems after being given opportunities to do so because of various factors. However, to ensure progressive discipline among employees, nurse leaders must provide a step-by-step guide that healthcare professionals must follow to solve present problems. The Termination Conference A termination conference is a brief meeting whose purpose is to present simple and concise statements of the decision to end an employee's contract. In addition, the termination conference enables employees to understand the reasons for dismissal and defend themselves by providing justifications for their conduct. Performance Deficiency Coaching Performance deficiency coaching is vital in informing employees of a performance gap or opportunity for improvement. In nursing, performance deficiency coaching enables healthcare professionals to create an improvement plan and follow it through to execute the needed changes. Grievance Procedures In every organization, there is a formal way for employees to raise any complaints or problems they face at work. Nurse leaders can utilize a grievance procedure to understand the issues contributing to low performance and devise ways to deal with them. Chemically Impaired Employee's Reentry to the Workplace Today, leaders within organizations are changing their management practices by encouraging employees that previously were dismissed due to substance abuse to return to work. Nurse leaders can utilize the concept of impaired employee reentry to attract experienced employees who will lead to improved engagement, hence improved organizational performance. The Marginal Employee A marginal employee is a worker with a consistently poor attitude or performance record within an organization. Nurse leaders can solve the issue of marginal employees by increasing growth opportunities, improving the physical work environment, and hiring selectively. Constructive Versus Destructive Discipline Constructive discipline is the process of understanding employees' mental, emotional, and psychological requirements, while destructive discipline focuses on employees' mistakes, flaws, and inconsistencies. Although leaders must learn to use the two disciplines, nurse leaders must use the information collected to provide possible solutions to problems. NLRA with unions The NLRA guarantees employees the right to bargain collectively with their employers through work unions. Therefore, if healthcare providers offer healthcare workers sufficient salaries and wages, they will have less trouble with employee unions, reducing costs associated with legal proceedings. Sexual harassment in the workplace Sexual harassment in the workplace is unwelcome sexual advances, the conduct of a sexual nature, and requests for sexual favors among employees. Nurse leaders should clarify that sexual harassment prevention is a company priority and employ strategies to prevent it. Handling of toxic substances Employers must provide employees with personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid exposure to contaminated surfaces. Healthcare has a lot of medicines and procedures that might expose clinicians to different illnesses, hence the need for PPEs. Unionization drive A unionization drive is when an employer reinforces the truth about policies and procedures and explains reasons for opposing unionization. Nurse leaders can utilize the unionization drive to reinforce employee engagement. Union contract violations Union contract violations occur when an employer violates the terms and conditions of employment. Since union contract violations can attract legal fines, nursing management needs to ensure that the legally-binding contracts are valued. Labor standards Labor standards provide the time required for an employee to work in an organization. Nurse leaders can adjust the amount of labor time for employees with the corresponding financial incentives. Affirmative action plan An affirmative action plan is a document that details the steps an organization has taken to ensure employees' rights will be respected and eliminate discrimination based on various demographics. In nursing, having an affirmative action plan improves healthcare professionals' motivation since they can access fair opportunities. Criteria for union Any employee can join or form a union that protects their rights at the workplace. Healthcare facilities need to allow clinicians to join or form unions that will help them take collective action to win material changes in their workplace. Equal pay of 1963 domains of work This law prohibits employers from paying different salaries to men and women working under similar conditions and whose jobs require the same level of effort, skill, and responsibility. In nursing, promoting equality and fairness in income reduces clinicians' financial stress leading to increased task performance. Arbitration This is the process of submitting a dispute to arbitrators to make a binding decision on the dispute. Since healthcare involves unlimited decisions by clinicians, nurse leaders need to act as arbitrators to resolve conflicts without causing much damage to disputants or the organization. Grievance ...
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