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Climate Change compared to The Creation of Earth Day (Essay Sample)

Use this template to address the steps in your Project Guidelines and Rubric. Replace the bracketed text with your responses. Ensure that you have considered your instructor’s feedback when revising your work. Proofread the entire document before submitting. Part 1: Creating a Research Question 1. Describe how your assumptions, beliefs, and values influenced your choice of topic. 2. My topic choice will be the Creation of Earth Day. I do know that they celebrated 50 years in 2020. My understanding of Earth Day is that it is a movement and voice for the environment of the planet. It brings awareness and other ways of helping the environment and pollution. Such as eco-friendly, organic, and agriculture options to help the environment stay clean. Earth Day is relevant to contemporary society because it brings together the community in all age ranges to educate and help bring importance to environmental harm. Earth Day was started in 1970, over 50 years now the movement is bigger. Every year Earth Day is an international day that is devoted to bringing full awareness and promote conservation and sustainability. Earth Day is a great cause because ultimately our planet is suffering from pollution. With the help of organizations that clean up dry land and the ocean. Aside from the waste there is also harm from faculty pollution, oil spills, and gas from vehicles. 3. Discuss the significance of your historical research question in relation to your current event. • [Insert response here.] 4. Explain how you used sources to finalize your research question. • [Insert response here.] Part 2: Building Context to Address Questions 1. Describe the context of your historical event that influenced your current event. • [Insert response here.] 2. Describe a historical figure or group’s participation in your historical event. • [Insert response here.] 3. Explain the historical figure or group’s motivation to participate in your historical event. • [Insert response here.] Part 3: Examining How Bias Impacts Narrative 1. Describe a narrative you identified while researching the history of your historical event. • [Insert response here.] 2. Articulate how biased perspectives presented in primary and secondary sources influence what is known or unknown about history. • [Insert response here.] 3. Identify the perspectives that you think are missing from your historical event’s narrative. • [Insert response here.] Part 4: Connecting the Past With the Present 1. Explain how researching its historical roots helped improve your understanding of your current event. • [Insert response here.] 2. Articulate how questioning your assumptions, beliefs, and values may benefit you as an individual. • [Insert response here.] 3. Discuss how being a more historically informed citizen may help you understand contemporary issues. • [Insert response here.] source..
Climate Change Compared to the Creation of Earth Day Name Academic Institution Class Professor Date Climate Change Compared to the Creation of Earth Day Part 1 Question 1 The choice of the topic, "The Creation of Earth Day" was influenced by my belief and assumptions that environmental problems such as global warming affect every human, animal, and nation. With continuous initiatives focused on addressing the causes of environmental degradation, future generations will inherit a sustainable world. I believe I can contribute to protecting the environment for the future generations by educating people through this literature. Question 2 Earth Day is a movement and a voice for protecting the environment. The historical event, "Earth Day," was created in 1970 (Hungerman & Moorthy, 2023) to build awareness about human activities and their role in destroying the environment. The event “Earth Day” aligns with my values about the cosmos, as I believe the quality of life for future generations depends on our collective efforts to reduce pollution, deforestation, and global warming. Question 3 The historical research question is significant to the current event as it improves knowledge about the consistent efforts of environmental activists to influence people’s urge to safeguard the environment. The pioneer of “Earth Day” was Senator Gaylord Nelson ( 2022). Assessing his motivations and actions regarding the historical event helps people better comprehend the evolution of environmental activism. The knowledge of environmental activism evolution is crucial because it helps people appreciate the progress of environmental conservation activities. Question 4 Existing literature was crucial in finalizing the research. Databases, particularly Google Scholar, were crucial to access sources that helped me gain insight into the topic. Online websites were also critical in providing information regarding “Earth Day” and environmental activists' efforts toward conservation. Part 2 Question 1 The context of the “Earth Day” creation was influenced by the lack of environmental regulations years before 1970 that left the environment harmed by the industrial effluents, pesticides, and harmful fumes from locomotive engines. The publication of Silent Spring in 1962 and the 1969 Barbara oil spill were critical developments that triggered environmental activism among many, including Senator Nelson ( 2022). As such, these events and the broader uproar about pollution initiated the process of creating Earth Day. Question 2 Senator Gaylord Nelson was The most prominent individual who played a significant role in the creation of “Earth Day.” The senator was motivated by student anti-war movement and focused on creating a movement for environmental protection ( 2022). He recruited the campus teach-ins who helped improve awareness about environmental issues and the need for collective efforts to prevent further degradation. Question 3 Senator Nelson was long concerned with the state of the US environment and the potential for further degrading if efforts to reduce pollution were not implemented ( 2022). He harnessed campus tech-ins energy to foster more awareness about his concern and need to address the pollution issue. Part 3 Question 1 During the research, I identified the narrative that grassroots movements are potent tools for drawing attention to issues affecting the community and nation at large. The narrative highlighted that grassroots movements increase citizens' engagement on a matter and subsequently create widespread awareness that triggers policy change conversations. Question 2 Biased perspectives from sources can significantly influence the details of a a topic or issue. In this case, some sources emphasized more on the positive outcomes, while others were critical of the effectiveness of “Earth Day.” Such perspectives distort details about a historical event. It is crucial to comprehen...
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