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Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Essay Sample)

Write about the war in UKRAINE and a brief history of the conflict. The paper should also DISCUSS Russia and Ukraine's ADMINISTRATION'S view of the conflict. It should also ARGUE why the USA SHOULD BE INVOLVED OR NOT. The number of references should be more than 3 and recent. THE PAPER SHOULD BE 5 PAGES AND IN APA FORMAT. source..
RUSSIA’S INVASION OF UKRAINE. Name of Student Institution Affiliation Russian leader Vladimir Putin's reference to Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a special operation marked the culmination of the long-standing conflict between the two countries into an all-out war. In 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea, sparking a conflict that continues to this day. The current administrations of Russia and Ukraine have vastly different views on the war, with Russia claiming that it is fighting to protect the rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, while Ukraine sees it as an act of aggression and a violation of its sovereignty. The United States of America has taken a position of non-involvement in the conflict, but there are strong arguments on both sides for whether they should intervene. In this paper, I will explore the perspectives of the current administrations of Russia and Ukraine on the war, the reasons behind Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the arguments for and against US involvement. Finally, an insight into recommendations on how the US should handle the situation. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been ongoing since 2014, and both sides have expressed their views and opinions on the situation. Information war has the sole purpose of swaying public opinion and the opinions of global powers as each party seeks to garner more allies on its front. Russia's stance is that the conflict in Ukraine is attributed to a coup that ousted the recognized government in Ukraine in 2014 and that they are protecting the rights of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking people in Ukraine. Russia Russia has maintained a dominant sense of ethnic nationalism and has sought to impose its principles on the Ukrainians. Russian media and journalists have advocated for the conflict to be viewed as a fight against Ukrainian nationalists and Nazis, and have emphasized the suffering of ethnic Russians in Ukraine(authors et al., 2016). They have insisted on the importance of the historical and cultural ties between Russia and Ukraine. They insist on the importance of those ties, which the Western powers are accused of interfering with. Ukraine, on the other hand, has characterized Russia's actions and intentions as an invasion and occupation of its territory. The Ukrainian citizens have been resolute in the defence of their land. The mass mobilization of resources and unifying their people against one adversary exhibit the country's sense of civic nationalism. Ukraine has emphasized their commitment to democracy, freedom, inclusivity and European integration. It has portrayed the conflict as a struggle against Russian aggression and imperialist ambitions driven by a tyrannical leader in Putin. President Zelensky has heaped pressure on the international community to unite against Russia in sanctions and also assist in the war by tallying the destruction Russian forces have done. In their efforts to sway public opinion and global powers, both Russia and Ukraine have used varying propaganda tactics, such as controlling media narratives, spreading disinformation, and appealing to other nations' backing. They have also sought support from their allies and partners, with Russia seeking backing from China and India, while Ukraine has received support in resources and sanctions on Russia from the US, EU, and NATO. Based on the history of this conflict, several factors can be attributed to being the cause of the invasion or played a major role in increasing the tensions between the two nations which led to this culmination. Russia seeks to maintain the political stability of Ukraine and its own even by military means. In reference to research done by Lada Akos, two nations might go to war if they share identities and the same cultures but differ in their political systems (Lada, 2014). Ukraine's adoption of a more democratic and inclusive way of nationalism despite having Soviet ties varies from the Russian system (Knott, 2022). Russia views this political system as Western-influenced which may trigger their people in seeking the same system as Ukraine. President Putin indicated that the only way Ukraine's sovereignty stands is by partnering with Russia. Invasion of the nation guarantees that all citizens of all nations will be under the same principles which alleviate the occurrence of future political instability. The geopolitical strategy of Russia is one of the major reasons for the invasion. Following the Soviet Union split and NATO'S formation, a key battle for influence on the states surrounding Russia emerged. Putin repeatedly warned of the Western encroachment defying the agreement they had in place in 1997. In Russia's view of Ukraine, it acts as a buffer against potential threats from the West, hence the need to control it. NATO's invitation to the countries surrounding Russia bolstered the sense of sovereignty of those nations. On the other hand, Ukraine's willingness to join NATO worsened Russia's concerns which prompted an invasion. Geopolitical interests continue to be an incessant trigger for conflict between most nations to the detriment of its citizens, Ukraine included. President Putin's interest in having his influence in Ukraine may also be attributed to domestic politics in Russia. Falling behind in reputation as a global superpower, annexing Crimea and taking control of Ukraine is integral. The leader's status would be heavily elevated among his administration while also serving as an indicator that his country was still a force. Domestically, the leader has encountered protests and even faced criticism over his regime's lack of democratic policies. This would serve strategically to the nation's national security concerns. Russia's power would also be bolstered by the capture of Ukraine's resources and military infrastructure. Emerging a winner in the war albeit in the plight of Ukraine would cement his status in Russia as its leader. The United States of America's influence on global politics is one of the reasons it is regarded as a superpower. However, the current political climate is fragile and tension between countries has escalated. The current war in Ukraine's impact on global politics is extensive. A feasible intervention must be sought to solve the conflict without worsening the situation. First, diplomatic solutions should be prioritized with an amicable solution seeking to satisfy both warring parties. Despite being on opposing ends, the US and Russia have previously achieved success in dealing with a major conflict in geopolitics. The 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act's intent sought to establish cooperation between Russia and NATO. It aimed at establishing stability in Europe and the recognition of the inviolability of nations' borders ( ). A compromise could be struck with the United States of America remaining a driver of the negotiations and de-escalate the conflict. Keeping Ukraine a neutral state from NATO and Russia's interest with the principles of the Founding Act could be the solution. The power and influence in global politics of the USA can play a huge role in enforcing this proposed remedy. The USA could mobilize the international community to put pressure on Russia's sanctions to call for a ceasefire. Also, unite in backing Ukraine with resources and personnel. Russia, despite being viewed as an aggressor has amassed several allies in its quest and has managed to weather through some of the sanctions placed before this proposal( Xing, 2022). Sanctions from the majority of the nations and their allies would extensively dent their bid to win this war. Wars are costly in lives as well as resources. Sustaining a war without economic backing from trading and allegiances would signific...
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