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National American Museum of American History (Essay Sample)
A visit to National American Museum of American History (summary) source..
National American Museum of American History
Culture and historical events are essential in defining the origin and expectations within society. The museum has remain the destination were people recall their history and associate with past events. Museum exhibition defines chronological happenings and relate various historical happenings with artifacts. The physical evidence portrayed by different exhibitions defines the past social, economic and cultural interactions. Comparing past events and the current way of life is essential to both historians and American studies. Individuals utilize the historical happenings t trace their roots. Museum exhibition tend to connect the past and enable individuals and groups plan. The report will focus on National American Museum of American History at the national hall.
The museum defines different aspect of the country. The museum is segmented into human sections, animal section, Art sectional and cultural section. The center allows the study of America in different angles. The human section defines the history of America and defines the elements presented in present America. The animal section defines the interaction of animals with the humans. The museum offers diversity and portrays the elements that constitute the history of the country (American Museum of natural history, n.d).
The exhibition within the hall defines different elements of our history. The museum of American Indians section at the center portrays American before civilization and natives within the land. The section preserves rich history of the natives. The section provides a diverse aspect of the American history. Comparing early human organization structure to the current political and social organization, one can trace the origin of the family structure and other important organization within a human setting (Message, 49). The way of life portrays a preindustrial era where the population enjoyed division of labor bases on gender, age and clans. The exhibitions portray a different aspect of the modern world where labor segmentation is based on skills and educational background. A person can draw comparison with the modern structure and conclude existence of organized family and tribe setting. The human geography political and social settings portrayed at the museum represent the transition of American from the traditional settings to the modern urbanized and industrialized settings.
Modernity has portrayed American as an industrial and business hub. The traits define how the country has progressed from the ancient model to the industrial era. Investors triggered industrialization and urbanization during the ancient period and the eagerness of the American population to explore the interiors of the nation. The museum also portrays the initial settlers and the agricultural components that defined the slave period. The museum highlights the era of slavery and manner in which the country managed to overcome the period and adapted a civilized labor structure (Arnesen, 134). Slaves and cheap labor was replaced by skilled and unskilled paid labor. The transition from slave to paid labor defines the dark past of our country and keeps. The historical components within the industrialization are essential and indicate why certain regions portray different traits. The art and music and portray past diversity and defines historical events within a country.
The museum keeps into account art and defines its important in writing the American history. The Gorge Washington statue portrays a political angle (American Museum of natural history, n.d). The statue defines the political power during the historical period. The political structure has changed to give women and the American minority voices to express their views and hold important positions in society and in leadership. The first president is a symbol of nation unity. The description defines the revolutionary period. The fight for independence and self-governance defines the origin of democracy and the nature in which ancient leaders played part in ensuring peace and equal representation in key government positions. The American Revolution defined the unity and patriotic nature of the American population (Message, 51). The political structure and the devolved levels of government are a representation of struggles of the past leadership. Leadership and the political environments define the county’s stability and the historical aspects define the transition from the struggle for independence to the period in which the country is enjoying stability and tranquility.
The wildlife plays part in defining America. The museum represents different species of both fauna and flora. The ancient species and the endangered animal species exhibited at the museum define the delicate nature of the ecosystem and the manner in which human activities and other natural happenings have changed the American animal ecosystem (Arnesen, 142). The increased human population has affected their natural habitats. Industrialization and other human activities change the manner in which the animals lived and many have needed up in zoos. The museum also exhibits diverse animal species and bird species within the country. The human element plays part in preserving the ecosystem and the museum exhibit how important each element within the country is essential in ensuring perseveration.
The hall of dinosaur exhibits extinct species that occupied America during the pre-historical period. The extinction of the dinosaur posses a major challenge to the animal and wildlife conservation to put in place measures that will ensure wildlife and human exist for long and that, animals should be considered as national heritage. The museum exhibits the evolution of man and the manner in which man has transformed over the year to the intelligent man (American Museum of natural history, n.d). The ironical part is present in the hall of dinosaur where the species in the hall do not evolve rather they become extinct. The museum plays part in challenging the human population to take care of the existing species and ensure a balance within the environment.
Balance entails a defined space within the wildlife spaces and equal representation of the human pollution ...
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