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The Cold War (Essay Sample)

The task was to write a 1-page historical essay using Chicago citations, answering a prompt about the Cold War's causes and impacts on American society. The sample outlined tensions between the capitalist U.S. and communist USSR after WWII as causes and described impacts like a militarized economy, political conformity, CIA interventions, and education emphasizing patriotism. No Works Cited or Bibliography page was needed. source..
The Cold War Students Name Course Instructor Date Prompt Option 4 The Cold War emerged after World War II due to simmering tensions between the capitalist West, led by the United States, and the communist Soviet Union. Its origins lay in disagreements over the post-war order in Europe and innate ideological suspicions, unleashing a geo-political standoff that profoundly influenced American politics and culture for over four decades. The essay critically evaluates the causes of the Cold War; tension between capitalism and communism and its impact; militarized economy, political conformity, and monoculture education. Foremost among the conflict’s causes was the breakdown of the wartime alliance against Nazi Germany, as Soviet oppression of Eastern Europe generated distrust about Stalin’s motives across the Atlantic . Additionally, both superpowers hoped to fill the post-war power vacuum, violently clashing over the fate of regional states like Turkey, Iran, and Korea. . These factors together with communism, and capitalism inherent competition triggered war. America saw the Soviets as working to undermine democracies and expand their ideology globally.. This threat environment produced responses that dramatically reshaped U.S. society.[Gaddis, John Lewis. The Cold War: A New History. London: Penguin Books, 2005.] [Leffler, Melvyn P. A preponderance of power: National security, the Truman administration, and the Cold War. Stanford University Press, 1992.] [Gaddis, John Lewis. The Cold War: A New History. London: Penguin Books, 2005.] Domestically, the Cold War fostered rapid military buildup and boosted defense companies, shaping America’s economy. Simultaneously, anti-communist fears stoked conformity and curbed domestic dissent through mechanisms like McCarthyism. . Overseas, the conflict spurred CIA interventions against leftist movements that U.S. leaders associated with Soviet influence.. Through these actions abroad and at home, cont...
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