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1 page/≈275 words
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IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Article Summary (Essay Sample)

The task was about summarizing an article. The article focuses on electromagnetic radiation. it was a 10-PAGE ARTICLE, but only one page summary was required. I may provide the article that was summarized upon request. The instructions stipulated that the summary should provide a gist of what the article is all about. source..
Basics of Electromagnetic Radiation Student's Name University Affiliation Professor's Name Course Title Due Date Basics of Electromagnetic Radiation The article explores the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation. It does so by tracing the historical roots of the pioneering works of Oersted and Faraday. It also covers the groundbreaking equations that Maxwell pioneered. Maxwell’s theory suggests that there is an inseparable connection between electricity and magnetism. Hertz’s experiments validated the findings of Maxwell by confirming the existence and properties of electromagnetic waves (Dervić et al., 2019). The paper postulates the basic tenets of electromagnetic radiation by introducing the electromagnetic spectrum. The paper also explains the interdependence of electric and magnetic fields. It particularly emphasizes how changes in one can lead to changes in another—the interaction of the two leads to the generation of electromagnetic waves. The paper also describes the natural and technical sources of electromagnetic radiation highlighting the key differences existing. The key concepts of electromagnetic radiation, such as near and far zones of electromagnetic fields, are discussed. The discussion of these zones highlights the difference in field characteristics. The discussion also highlights the different measurement methods used for the near and far zones. The other key area covered by the article is the electrical characteristics of magnetic fields. Particularly, the article discusses the characteri...
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