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Cyber Risk, Data Breach Identification, and Vulnerability Management (Essay Sample)

Cyber Risk, Data Breach Identification, and Vulnerability Management TO CREATE AN effective cybersecurity plans WITH A thorough awareness of cyber risks and their proper classification into Adversarial and Structural sources, as in the instances under discussion. THIS INCLUDED SUGGESTING defenses against a variety of cyberattacks and avoid the financial and operational consequences of data breaches by putting strong Vulnerability Management procedures in place. source..
Cyber Risk, Data Breach Identification, and Vulnerability Management Student Name: Student Number: Course Name: Date: The most expensive cause of Adversarial data breaches was a major data breach that resulted from the compromise of credentials, providing a clear example of an adversarial threat source. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, in this instance, compromised or stolen credentials caused a breach that affected 19% of the firms. The aftermath caused a significant increase in average overall cost, which came to $4.77 million. This incident highlights the resourcefulness and tenacity of threat actors who use hacked access to target weaknesses in organizations. Simultaneously, a common threat vector associated with structural threat sources was misconfigured cloud servers. An average cost increase of more than half a million dollars per breach was caused by misconfigurations, which accounted for 19% of events resulting from malicious attacks. Misconfigurations in cloud servers created an exploitable vulnerability, resulting in severe financial effects, as shown by the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020 (IBM Report, 2020). This scenario graphically embodied structural threats, which encompass failures in vital infrastructure. As the operational risk management PowerPoint explains, in order for enterprises to manage these many cyber threats effectively, they must implement strong vulnerability management procedures. Continuous vulnerability discovery, categorization, and mitigation are all part of this all-inclusive approach. The strategic application of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) serves as a fundamental linchpin, not only prioritizing remediation efforts but also meticulously contextualizing vulnerability risks within the intricate tapestry of the unique organizational environment (Putra & Soewito, 2022). This discriminating approach becomes even more important when one considers the stark difference in data breach expenses, which clearly illustrates the financial penalties incurred by companies with sophisticated security procedures vs those who do not. This discrepancy emphasizes how important it is to have a thorough and sophisticated Vulnerability Management ...
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