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system development methodology (Essay Sample)

Identify a company that has documented their approach to system development. E.g., Goldman used Agile. Then describe the methodology used, its strengths and weaknesses and how it varies from a generic model e.g. Agile or MIL 2167A, Waterfall, Formal method. State any assumptions and sources you make regarding your standard model. If Possible, describe a use case where the model has been used with a client e.g., Accenture used Agile at Bank of America and this resulted in…. [details] Reference. Max page length 2 pages including references and diagrams if applicable. source..
System Development Methodology Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name Assignment Due Date System Development Methodology Sierra Software Ltd is among the leading technologies in Wilford, England. The organization was founded in 2010 and has since offered engineering, automation, transportation, logistics, and oil and gas services to its clients, for which most of them are industries. The private limited company uses the agile methodology in project management. The agile method is easy because it is broken into various phases. The organization collaborates with multiple individuals in planning, execution, and evaluation (“SSLA Company Overview,” 2022). Since the organization is in the technological sector and the software and tech services industry, the agile methodology is the most applicable system development methodology. The agile methodology offers distinct advantages to the organization, including constant improvement and quality assurance. Compared with the waterfall project, the agile method utilizes the sprint cycle format rather than that which involves a high risk (Teasdale, 2021). With the agile methodology, a client can change requests as soon as possible rather than undergoing a complex process. Furthermore, the method offers flexibility to the evolving demands. In the case of evolving environmental shocks, the clients may not be affected. Nonetheless, the company also takes a hands-on approach for its customers. There is much more client interaction, and much value is placed upon clear values. It also has fast delivery times compared to the waterfall methodology, which is a lagging system. The agile system management methodology presents various disadvantages, including long-term planning. With the dynamicity of the system, it lacks a clear product vision. This is because the client specifications may be variable during the development process, leading to an inconsistent final product. Additionally, there are challenges with the workflow. With the team working environment presented in the organization, the agile management system can be poorly executed, leading to increased dysfunctions (Teasdale, 2021). Besides, the systems demand constant communication with the client to understand their requirements. Furthermore, the system would call for verbal communication with the client rather than documentation as with other methods such as the waterfall method. The company offers embedded Linux solutions to its clients per their demands and needs. It also customizes products and engages its clients throughout the process. Even so, there are multiple assumptions with the system. Firstly, the company assumes that it utilizes the latest technology to provide the services to its clients. This assumption is based on the fact that technology is always improving. Even with the fast completion of projects, a newer technology could arise, leading ...
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