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Importance of Legal System (Essay Sample)

Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. Importance of Legal System. source..
Importance of Legal System Student Name Institution Society is a group of people living together who share common beliefs, values and tradition characterized and differentiated by functional, cognitive, and cultural systems. Legal system is important in all societies. In societies where people respect the rule of law, it’s possible to plan and conduct business in trust. These are rules and traditions that the society consider as obligatory. Laws offer borders so that citizens understand where and when they are committing a crime. The justice system of a state is considerably important to business community. In the absence legal system, it’s difficulty managing affairs effectively (Eskridge and Frickey, 1994). Unchecked legal orders can have an effect on the attractiveness of a nation as investment location. A country’s law control business practices, describe business policies, rights and responsibilities concerned with business endeavors. It states the legal structure within which companies do businesses. The unfairness, hypocrisy and barbarism of the criminal justice system is increasingly failing in most countries. Remarkably, the U.S. justice system convicts numerous law breakers and the process takes too long. There are civilized systems that can be used to deal with these people than imprisonment. It’s not easy form many states to afford the absurd $40,000 yearly expenditure of accommodating a prisoner which is often executed in deplorable environment. Legal infrastructure is the key to institutional framework through which a country provides services. A strong lawful infrastructure offe...
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