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12-week Periodized Training Program for Chad Evermore (Essay Sample)


Providing a detailed, comprehensive, 12-week periodized strength & aerobic training program, including specific sets, repetitions and exercises, utilizing an integrated approach. Needs to be very accurate of client below. Client Profile: Name: Chad Evermore/ Age:55 /Gender: Male/ Resting Heart Rate: 80 bpm/ Height: 6'2"/ Weight: 180lbs/ body fat percent: 20%. Chad is an avid golfer. He wishes to improve his golf game and is very motivated to get started on a training program. Chad has exercised regularly for the past 8 years and is in good physical health. Most of his exercise has been aerobic in nature with only a small amount of resistance training. You need to provide a in-depth explanation or validation behind your program recommendations, including the frequency, intensity, time and type of cardiovascular, resistance, and flexibility training.


12-week Periodized Training Program for Chad Evermore
Date: 11 June 2014
12-week Periodized Training Program for Chad Evermore
The client’s training history is commendable and considering that he is generally in good shape, the training regimen will have to concentrate on building his strength. His chosen sport is golf, which mainly features anaerobic exercises and needs him to build up his core strength and flexibility. We must also take into account his 20% body fat, which while not life threatening, has a notable effect on his overall strength. The core approach is therefore one that builds the client’s strength and ability to operate at peak performance considering his age. The training program in development therefore needs to be specific to a golfer’s motions and strength requirements to ensure that he is able to participate in the sport and training with a reduced risk of injury when the training ends.
Trainers have conducted many periodized training programs in the past and their effectively recorded their results. One study in particular utilized an 8-week program for elderly golfers and recorded participant strength increases of up to 60.7% (Thompson & Osness, 2004). It is, however, advisable to extend the training over a 12-week period to create a more gradual strength-building escalation that reconditions all the client’s muscle groups while also considering his body’s limitations (Sousa et al., 2011).
The client has 20% body fat, which while not infringing on his ability to play effectively, will increase his overall strength if adequately reduced. The program will entail a subtle linear-intensification method that if used effectively, will reduce chances of deterioration and result in better technique acquisition and retention (Baker, 2007). Considering the client’s age and overall health, it is important to divide the program into sequential blocks that progressively build upon their predecessors’ achievements.
The first weeks will involve light exercises designed to gauge the client’s abilities while not placing him at risk of injury. For the first four weeks, Chad will need to adapt his body to the training and this will involve weightlifting training accompanied by aerobic two days every week. These will help his body adapt to the training and will involve circuits in which he will do three sets of each lifting exercise. These exercises occur in reps of one each in a cyclical pattern with him returning to the first routine after finishing the last one and with 60-second intervals in between sets.
It is imperative that we take the client’s reaction to the training account during these first weeks since these determine the pace of the training program. During this period, it is possible to notice slight changes in the client’s resistance and their ability to cope with the training, so the program can incorporate changes in weights and aerobic exercises as needed. This stage also incorporates the trainer’s ability to monitor the client’s physical abilities to reduce chances of injury, especially as the training gets more intense.
Reps: 15-25 with light weights
1-3 sets per muscle group with 30-60 second rest periods
One exercise per muscle group
Once we have identified his physical abilities into account, Chad can begin the basic weight-lifting program that incorporates three days of training every week. The training will focus on one muscle group in each session, in that each training day will focus on the upper body, leg and arm strength respectively. This increases the resting period for each muscle group and ensures a reduced risk of injury while allowing for an increase in strength and an increase in muscle mass (Baker, 2007).
Since he is building his strength for the ultimate golf game, we must remember to build the client’s anaerobic profile. This means a higher number of sets should feature in the program as well. Such exercise intensity will lead to increased muscle productivity over long periods, which will increase the overall consistency of his golf game. This period will also incorporate some aerobic exercises that will not be as intense as those in the first weeks were and whose intensity will depend on the client’s preferences.
4-8 sets per muscle group, incorporating both aerobic and anaerobic training
8-12 reps per set
60-120 seconds rest period
The final four weeks will not feature a...
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