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Political Science Summary (Essay Sample)

the paper is abut a summary of the american democracy and ho w political science shapes the people's qulity of life. THE paper applauds the USA for its resilience in upholding the rule of law and enuring that people are always taken care of by their social justice institutions. THE client provided two essays that i was able to break down. source..
Political Science Summary The United States of America is one of the leading democracies globally, being applauded for its Bill of Rights and Freedoms. American citizens are free to pursue happiness without fear, courtesy of democracy’s privileges. The nation is currently steeped in the ideals of democracy because of the inherent contribution of intellectual luminaries such as Alexis de Tocqueville and John Quincy Adams. Their ideologies on democracy and human nature may be multifariously intertwined to define the concept more meticulously. Although American democracy has been evolving, the central themes include individual freedom to pursue life and the collective responsibility to improve life. Reaction to the Essays The two essays provided important points on virtue and individual freedoms in embracing democracy. One of the most fascinating things was the interplay between integrity, education, and democracy, underscoring the fact that when people without virtues are elected into public or political offices, governance is likely to be jeopardized, and the populace will suffer. Despite emphasizing the importance of virtues and the role of the majority in a democratic society, the tyranny of the majority concept was surprising because, in democracies, the majority is always considered to be right. The essays, therefore, underscore the importance of always maintaining checks and balances for all the powers that are given to the majority through the popular vote or the freedoms enjoyed at the individual level (Brem & Sweeney, 2018, p. 12). The knowledge gained in the reading assists in developing an interplay between democracy and personal freedoms and how both must be balanced for an effective society. Using the Knowledge to Understand the World Better The essays offer a different viewpoint through which democracy and freedom may be achieved. According to John Quincy Adams, it is the nature of humans to enslave each other because "there has never existed a civilized society in which one segment did not thrive upon the labor of another” (Brem & Sweeney, 2018, p. 10). The leading class must therefore ensure that they formulate laws that allow only the virtuous to lead to protect others and eliminate modern-day slavery. He further championed fundamental rights and liberty by arguing that "all men...created equal, inalienable rights” (Brem & Sweeney, 2018, p. 11). He argues that the right must always be protected. Understanding the Political Phenomenon Political phenomena shape the world, and politicians and leaders will likely fail the people when they are out on their values. Alexi's essay on American democracy raises numerous questions about the principles of democracy and how governments do not enjoy some rights. For example, he argues that “in the U.S., 42% of children born into poverty will not get out” (Brem & Sweeney, 2018, p. 54). The assertion implies that political leadership must be more deliberate in resolving societal challenges. Further, the "commitment to a capitalist economic order is illustrative of this value preference” to promote individualism and self-achievement (Brem & Sweeney, 2018, p. 53). The bullet points from key questions include: * What human rights provi...
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