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Importance of Accounting Management in an Organization (Essay Sample)


Write a paper on the importance of management accounting in an organization. The paper should have an introduction, and body. The body should describe the roles of management account in detail, the importance of management accounting, and define the terms used. The following conditions should be fulfilled.
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Management accounting is one of the latest developments in the accounting field that aims to improve managerial functions. It provides managers with timely and well-analyzed accounting data to make informed decisions. Management accounting information targets improving internal operations through higher efficiency. It is a scientific and modern branch of accounting that integrates innovative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative aspects. In summary, management accounting involves a process of identification, measurement, analysis, interpretation, and communication of information that aids managers in executing their duties. Executives use the information provided by management accountants to implement such functions as planning, staffing, organizing, controlling, and directing. Therefore, it provides accounting data's economic and financial meaning to managers and other users. The branch of accounting has the following characteristics: it is selective, which means that it does not use the complete financial information in deriving conclusions and making recommendations and predictions. It is also futuristic because it aims at improving the efficiency of the future course of action. Furthermore, it studies the relationship between causes of events and their effects to suggest better methods of redress. Therefore, it is an integral branch of management accounting that significantly enhances the quality of managerial responsibilities.
Roles of Management Accounting
Management accounting plays a fundamental role in assisting the organizations' executives in effectively making decisions. It involves the preparation of business reports which aid managers in making short-run and long-run decisions. The unique strategies applied in managerial accounting that is not exhibited in other branches of accounting include identification, measurement, analysis, interpretation, and communication of the resultant information to the respective managers. However, the business's success with accurate management accounting information depends on the targeted users' logic and rationale. There are chances that the managers may defy or deviate from implementing the suggestions given by management accountants. Besides, the information may also be misinterpreted. The roles of the management accountant are summarized below.
Management accounting is a tool for forecasting the future operations of a company. It facilitates the evaluation of the business's 

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